How the distribution of PR can benefit from the SEO in 2018


The press release and the SEO have become an extra controversial topic in recent years. In 2018, how does PR distribution increase search engine optimization?

Because Google changed its algorithm, the versions were deemed useless for SEO. But is it really how it should be displayed?

A number of companies make the common mistake of optimizing their site for only a short time. Although they believe that improving their organic visibility is a top priority, they lack the initiative to do it in the long run.

The challenge now is that since Google modifies its algorithm often, the keyword term or phrase at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) may not be the same key phrase that people use to find you. Because of this error, there are fewer clicks, leads, pageviews, sales, and conversions.

If you are distributing versions, how can you improve your organic search ranking? Make sure you do some SEO updates including:

  1. Find the most relevant keywords based on the data.

You can use any keyword that you might think, but it does not give you the certainty that it will rank in search engines. It could be highly competitive or nobody is looking for that word. As a result, it does not provide any SEO value.

There are many SEO tools you can use like SEMRush. It should suggest keywords that are more important to use.

You might also want to see how these search terms classify for search engine results. Discover the trends. Does the search term usually rank in the top five positions for an average of 1,000 times in a month?

Be realistic when choosing a keyword. Choose the one that has a high search volume and low competition. It is not always good to choose keywords that are popular because there is high competition.

Some marketers put their keywords aside because they believe that content matters more. However, do not forget that keywords are as important as content.

  1. Change your SEO page titles.

Are you including your brand in the title of the SEO page? Although it's a good way to promote your brand, this will not help your SEO.

Including brand names for SEO might prevent you from climbing to the top of the leaderboards. First of all, using the name of your company to classify will not be good. Not many people know or recognize your brand, unless you're a famous brand. In this regard, they will not use your brand to search for your content.

Instead, use relevant keywords. Enter it in the first three words of the title. Make sure you have chosen the relevant search terms and phrases that are classified on the search engine results pages (SERP).

  1. Combat Ad Block for SEO.

In 2018, user data is tracked on almost every site they visit. Studies have shown that 30% of users will eventually block ads. Users can block tracking functions called cookies by downloading anti-spam software, customizing social feeds and skipping advertisements.

These days, ad blocking has become a major threat to businesses, particularly those companies that depend on paid advertising to increase site visitors. The best solution to combat ad blocking is to improve their organic ranking in search results.

This is where SEO comes into play and helps fight advertising blocks. Companies should learn to focus on getting more organic traffic and paying less attention to paid ads.

On-site SEO:

Online SEO is designed to improve the visibility of a site on different search engines such as Google and to encourage people to visit their site. To improve your SEO, you need to focus on producing high quality content, optimizing title tags and meta descriptions.

When you have well-written content, you attract more audience and get organic backlinks. On the other hand, optimized title tags and meta descriptions can increase your position in search results, which allows you to attract more visitors to your site.

Offsite SEO:

Offline SEO works primarily on backlinks. When you write good press releases, you get backlinks from reputable sites in your own niche. As a result, you get better rankings and attract more site visitors.

One way to do this is through guest publication. When you write quality articles on their sites, you earn backlinks and expand your coverage at the same time.

Increase social sharing:

Google emphasizes how your content is shared on social media. Make your release as easy as possible to allow your audience to share it. Wherever you publish, make sure the sharing buttons are shared, tweeted or pinned together.

  1. No to Black Hat.

Never practice deceiving the search engines to get rankings on search results. Link buying is a Black Hat SEO tactic that can put you in great danger.

In case you've played with search engines, your rankings can only last for a short time. Search engines, especially Google, are developing smarter algorithms that can track these practices. Do not get involved if you do not want to be banned by SERP.

  1. Monitor your contacts and visitors.

Keep track of your site's traffic and lead / sales generation in order to optimize your SEO. There are Google Analytics that provide insights and identify errors in your strategies.

Google Analytics tracks visitor interactions with your site and measures differences in search traffic. You can also use call monitoring and marketing automation tools.

  1. Build trust.

Search engines and social media channels will continue to introduce new rules to limit false content, provide relevant information and secure data. A respectable brand will follow the rules and SEO trends in order to provide quality content and maintain the trust of customers, media and influencers.

In order to regulate content, Twitter has implemented a new anti-spam policy to ban duplicate content. This is to duplicate the tweets that the brands publish using various Twitter handles. The violation of the policy may result in the termination of one of the user's multiple accounts.

In 2011, Google launched Google Panda, which regulates duplicate content as "content farms". It is made by Google to offer users high quality, valid and quality content.

Follow these best practices to increase trust:

  • Provide quality and authoritative content.

  • Provide benefits to the public.

  • Offer your authentic story to create awareness.

  • Distribute publications regularly to build trust. you can control distribution of the press release companies.

  1. Meet the development of search engines.

Search engines including Google prefer high quality content over quantity. When distributing content, it should be optimized for different users and platforms. Your content should be ready to search for the voice assistant.

The following tactics contribute to the development of search engines:

  • Pay attention to the format.

  • Use Google Analytics.

  • Write quality content using simple language.

  • Encrypt your site with HTTPS. Your site should not be labeled "unsafe".

  • Create authoritative URLs with keywords.

  • Include an invitation to action on web pages.

  1. Take advantage of Mobile, AI and IoT

Your content should be optimized for modern technology such as mobile. In the end, Google claimed that its algorithms will use the mobile version of a content to classify, show fragments from the pages and understand the data.

AI technology simplifies content planning, writing and distribution, including content planning, which would increase productivity and improve results. It is also seen as an effective method to improve personalization thanks to its ability to monitor and analyze data.

IoT technology requires optimization of content on different devices. Study how to optimize content on different devices, such as laptops, smartphones, watches and tablets.

To increase organic coverage on these technologies, be sure to:

  • Pay attention to building connections.

  • Share the most significant information.

  • Create shareable and conversational content optimized for different devices.

  • Integrate multimedia resources, including photos, videos or audio to increase engagement.

  • Include effective keywords in metadata descriptions.

  1. Create new content.

Writing new content offers numerous SEO benefits. A new page can better position itself on search results. Include the keyword phrase in the content header, SEO page title, alt text image, image and more.

Whenever you create content, keep yourself ready to make a change. For example, you can use a keyword A at the start of the campaign. However, you may find that keyword B works better after a while.

If you find that a new keyword is better classified, make some changes. If you plan to create new content, be sure to avoid keyword stuffing. It can damage your page rankings and even your online reputation.

SEO and content marketing are related. SEO is an effective marketing tool that can influence consumer purchasing decisions through awareness. If you are worried about SEO, you should be patient enough because the results take time.

Regardless of the size of the business, working and following the best SEO practices is always the best. Pay attention to changes to the Google algorithm. Make sure you are up to date whenever to avoid being trapped.

Contact info:

Kristine Morana

[email protected]

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