How Paola Jara and Jessi Uribe were before their surgeries


Paola Jara and Jessi Uribe make up one of the most media-oriented couples in Colombia, but before formalizing their relationship, they had already gained their millions of followers for the artistic talent that established them as two of the best popular music singers in the country.

The beauty of both also generated curiosity about the cosmetic surgeries that were performed. Two and a half years ago, Jara admitted in an interview that he went to the operating room three times, to undergo mammoplasty, rhinoplasty and “mini lipo” in life.

Many people ask her if the tail has been operated on. There are so many interested in knowing that she herself decided to talk about it. Three weeks ago the artist confirmed on his social networks that he had not undergone any retouching in the queue.

In recent years, several images of Paola’s appearance have emerged before surgery. Here are some of them.

Paola Jara before her surgeries

Two years ago some photos of the singer were known before she underwent a couple of her operations. The images were released at the time by John Ávila, the artist’s manager. Some photos are from 2012, and in them the physical change it has had is evident.

Likewise, this year the Instagram account @rechismes released a couple of pictures in which it is appreciated that Jara has not yet had a mammoplasty. These are the pictures:

Jessi Uribe was also operated on. Many knew about the liposuction that was performed earlier this year, but what few knew is that this wasn’t the singer’s first surgery.

In an interview with La Red, the artist confessed that years ago a similar procedure was performed, but that it had not had any results. “I had a lipo about three years ago, but that pod was bad. The first was a lipo laser, that sheath was useless “Uribe confessed in March of this year.

Likewise, Jessi assured that she regretted not having a bichectomy, to shrink her cheeks a bit.

Jessi Uribe before his surgeries

The singer’s change is not as drastic as one might think, but in any case he has always stated that he is not comfortable with his appearance and that is why he has decided to undergo the aforementioned liposuction. A couple of months ago he admitted to wearing belts to hide his excesses.

These are some pictures of Uribe several years ago:


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