How Nintendo is sabotaging its community – #StoryoftheWeek


Since last week all the players seem to be shooting against Nintendo. The Japanese game and hardware manufacturer prevented a hand-to-hand tournament in the US with dubious action. The funny thing about it: For years Nintendo has withdrawn from any esports activities related to its games, even showing disinterest. The fact that the same company is now facing one of the most active and passionate communities out there is causing a lot of redheads.

This event has consolidated players from all over the world. Let’s take a look at the drama surrounding Nintendo and Smash Melee and try to show you why this move causes so much anger and rejection towards the producer.

Small update: A familiar person, who apparently has a number of contacts in the high ranks of Nintendo, confirmed in a tweet the disinterest of Nintendo and the almost active support for the non-establishment of Super Smash Bros as an eSports title. Crazy Times we live in people 😀


Reto Canova

Moderator and Content Marketing

Reto reports passionately and always in a good mood, in both German and French, on current events in the Swiss esports scene. Being a game enthusiast from the start and a competitive gamer himself, he asks esports personalities about strategies, analyzes moves or fights other online tryhards. You can see it a lot on Twitch lately too.

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