Apple yesterday announced the price of iPhone Turkey of 12 families. We studied the taxes on the new iPhone 12 family, which is priced higher than estimates.
In recent years, we see that smartphones are being sold at very high prices in our country due to the increase in exchange rates and high taxes. The most expensive among these smartphones are usually Apple belongs to the brand. Yesterday again iPhone 12 Turkey’s prices in describing the Apple family sparked a new debate due to high prices.
Even today we are for you iPhone 12 The price of the phone reversal of the few Turkey family prices, while the few TL from taxes We have investigated in detail. According to the research we share the ministry of culture, TRT, excise duty and KDV phone when Turkey enters Apple’s profit from the phone work, we encounter a higher denominator of the entry price.
details on iPhone 12 household pricing in Turkey
Details on the price of iPhone 12 mini-Turkey
- Admission price: 4,364 TL
- Ministry of Culture: 44 TL
- TRT fee: 440 TL
- SCT: 2,424 TL
- Tax: 1,309 TL
- Total tax to be charged: 4,217 TL
- Wife of Apple Turkey: £ 1,418
- Selling price: 9,999 TL
12 iPhone pricing details in Turkey
- Admission price: 4,798 TL
- Ministry of Culture: 47 TL
- TRT fee: 485 TL
- SCT: 2,665 TL
- Tax: 1,439 TL
- Total tax to be charged: 4,636 TL
- Wife of Apple Turkey: £ 1,565
- Selling price: 10,999 TL
IPhone Pro 12 pricing details in Turkey
- Entry price: 6,683 TL
- Ministry of Culture: 67 TL
- TRT fee: 675 TL
- SCT: 3,712 TL
- Taxes: 2,004 TL
- Total tax to be charged: 6,458 TL
- Wife of Apple Turkey: £ 1,858
- Selling price: 14,999 TL
12 Turkey iPhone Pro Max price details
- Entry price: 7,430 TL
- Ministry of Culture: 74 TL
- TRT fee: 750 TL
- SCT: 4,127 TL
- Taxes: 2,222 TL
- Total tax to be charged: 7,180 TL
- Wife of Apple Turkey: £ 2,389
- Selling price: 16.999 TL
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