how much sun do we need per day?


Many studies carried out have managed to demonstrate the positive effects of vitamin D on its ability to fight and limit the severity of Covid-19.

This is good for us because the human body is able to produce this precious vitamin D. In fact, in contact with the UV-B rays of the sun, our body has the ability to produce, in a short period of time, the equivalent of more than 10 capsules vitamin D.

An exhibition of 15 minutes to… 2 hours

In the summer, for our body to be able to generate enough vitamin D , it is recommended to expose yourself to the sun for 15 to 30 minutes twice a week. This rule applies to a healthy adult because we must not forget that exposure is only part of the solution, in addition to this we must pay attention to their nutrition and hygiene. life in general.

It is important not to try to expose yourself to the sun for too long as this would have a counterproductive effect , as Professor Jean-Claude Souberbielle explains to AlloDocteur: “When we get a tan, the melanin will create a kind of filter for this UV-B radiation, and of course we will make less and less vitamin D.. We can accumulate but not too much. Sunbathing is nice, but in a reasonable way. “

In winter, since the sun’s rays are much weaker, this time stretches to 2 hours a day according to Spanish researchers from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, so that our body can produce as much vitamin D as in summer.

It is therefore more complicated in winter, especially during childbirth, to fill up on vitamin D only thanks to the sun. For this you have the option to ask your doctor for a vitamin D cure. or you can increase your consumption offoods rich in vitamin D..

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