How much sport should you do after sitting all day?


Exercise is essential to staying healthy and gaining weight, and it’s especially important if you’re one of those people who do a job that requires you to spend most of your day sitting in front of a screen (which is what most part of the people who are working at the moment). It is common knowledge that sitting all day is not good for your health, but it is inevitable. So you have to fight it by doing enough exercise to counteract the negative effects, and it’s not enough to stand and walk around the desk once in a while or go from the desk chair to the bathroom several times a day. day.

If you really want to stay healthy and avoid the extra pounds, a new study says you need to exercise 30 to 40 minutes a day. As Sciene Alert explains, 40 minutes of “moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity” each day is just the right amount to balance spending about 10 hours in a sitting position, although research also indicates any amount of exercise or even just being in feet helps to some degree, so you should try to complete your workout by doing little things to keep yourself active throughout the day. The study involves thousands of people who had to use fitness monitors so that scientists could analyze the data. Researchers found that the risk of death in people with more sedentary lifestyles increases when the time they spend participating in physical activity decreases, but decreases when they begin to dedicate enough time to physical activity. do moderate exercise.

“In active people who undertake 30 to 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity, the association between a long period of inactivity and the risk of death is not significantly different from that seen in people with low sedentary time” And you don’t have to be “too” active either: Experts say exercises such as walking, cycling or even gardening can reduce the risk of premature death that increases with a sedentary lifestyle. The study is being conducted in conjunction with the publication of the World Health Organization’s 2020 Global Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior, produced by 40 scientists from six continents, and states that exercise is particularly important especially now that we are facing a pandemic.

“People can still protect their health and offset the harmful effects of physical inactivity,” says Emmanuel Stamatakis, co-editor of the British Journal of Sports Medicine. “As these guidelines point out, any physical activity counts and any amount is better than nothing.” If you can’t exercise in the gym, the studio recommends taking the stairs instead of the elevator, playing with children and pets, practicing yoga or dancing, cleaning. your home, walking and cycling, which is important for people of all ages, weights and lifestyles. Walking, for example, reduces the risk of hypertension, prevents diabetes, increases vitamin D levels, and can even improve your sex life.

You may have to sit still for a long period of the day, but you should find time to do something that makes you sweat a little – your health will thank you for it. Besides, now that the holiday season approaches, you should also exercise to avoid putting on too much weight.

through GQ Mexico and Latin America.

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