How many days of work to get an iPhone 12 Pro?


Picodi studied how many days consumers in different countries would have to work for to buy iPhone 12 Pro. Unfortunately, Turkey took place during a recent research involving dozens of countries. According to the study, a citizen with an average salary (3,035 TL) has to work 103.8 days to buy an iPhone 12 Pro.

Best known for collecting coupons in one place PicodiFrom time to time, he also puts his signature under the widely spoken searches. Announcing the results of a new study, the company revealed that this time an iPhone 12 Pro can be purchased in which country for how many days. research involving details that are annoying enough for Turkey with surprising results seems to attract attention.

Apple, in a statement on its website, stated the price of the iPhone 12 Pro 14,999 TL He had announced that he would be. Picodi conducted research covering dozens of countries after this price announcement. As part of this research, the average salary amount in the countries and the price of the iPhone 12 Pro in that country were compared. Sorry, but Turkey is among the countries included in the study last line took place. So a consumer in Turkey, 12 to buy iPhone Pro to work a lot more than people living in other countries.

Turkey takes 103.8 days to buy an iPhone 12 Pro

iPhone 12 Pro

Picodi, in the first phase of the research called Numbeo global database Used. According to the information contained in the database, the average wage in Turkey was £ 3,035. Picodi’s team, who first split this money into daily earnings, then found out how much work a Turk should have who wants to buy an iPhone 12 Pro. According to math a person who wants to buy Turkey’s iPhone Pro 12 103.8 days it must work. In the research, a consumer in the Philippines, who is just above us, is this smartphone, In 88.2 days You can buy.


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According to research from Picodi, the best countries to buy iPhone 12 Pro are, respectively Swiss, USA and Australia. As a result, a consumer in Switzerland can own an iPhone 12 Pro with only 4.4 days of profit. A consumer in the United States puts iPhone 12 Pro In 6.1 days For a consumer in Australia at the time of purchase, this time is 6.6 days. Furthermore, a consumer in Germany has to work 9.7 days to buy an iPhone 12 Pro, while an Italian can have this phone in 18.3 days.

Turkey, working less than last year, could buy 11 iPhone Pros

iPhone 11 Pro

Picodi conducted the same research for the iPhone 11 Pro in 2019. According to a study conducted last year, the average citizen in Turkey 89.1 working days He may have an iPhone 11 Pro. Numbeo, the average salary for last year in Turkey was announced as £ 2,593. Furthermore, the price of the iPhone 11 Pro was set at TL 10,999. In 2020 changing conditionsIn the case of Apple fans forced to work harder in Turkey.

Here are the days to work towards getting iPhone 12 Pro in different countries, according to the research.

Picodi, iPhone 12 Pro search

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