A new study has revealed that Corona patients suffering from neurological symptoms have certain disorders in the brain, like other patients who have suffered from lack of oxygen access to the brain, and this study is the first of its kind that is based on use. of radiation to visualize nerve injury in Corona patients and was conducted by researchers at a Massachusetts General hospital and published in the American Journal of Neuroradiology.
According to the Medical Express website, the researchers examined six patients using specialized magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology.MRAlthough Corona disease is primarily a respiratory disease, Corona infection affects other organs, including the brain.

The primary effect of the disease on the brain is believed to be lack of oxygen, but few studies have documented specific types of damage that characterize coronal brain injuries, and several thousand coronary patients have been seen at Massachusetts Hospital from the start outbreak This year, this study included the results of three of these patients.
The severity of neurological symptoms varies and ranges from the most common symptoms – a temporary loss of smell – to more severe symptoms such as dizziness, confusion, seizures and stroke. “We have been interested in characterizing the biological basis of some of these symptoms from now on,” said Eva Maria Ratai, Ph.D., a researcher in the department of radiology and lead author of the study and associate professor in the department of radiology at the Harvard Medical School. COVID-19 , Including headaches, fatigue and cognitive impairment. The so-called “brain fog” and other defects that have been found persist long after the acute phase.
The researchers used a specialized type of scan, sometimes called a virtual biopsy, that can identify neurochemical abnormalities even when skeletal imaging results are normal.

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