How do the lungs recover after “Covid-19”?



How the lungs recover after

Sputnik Anton Vergun

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Dr. Alexander Karabenenko, pulmonologist, announced that human lungs regenerate automatically after “Covid-19” infection. But how can this process be accelerated?

The doctor indicates that pneumonia caused by infection with the emerging coronavirus has consequences that need to be fought within some time. Among what the new coronavirus leaves in the patient’s lung is a large area of ​​fibrous changes, cough and shortness of breath, all of which will disappear within a period of no more than 1.5 months, provided that no intervention in this process.

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He said: “In the body, renewal processes take place, when cells die, new cells are generated in their place, and in this way the structure of the lungs is also renewed. But in some cases this process does not happen completely, and this is what it is. which happens when a person self-destructs “.

According to him, a person who smokes does not give his lungs a chance to recover. Smoking in this case is not just a bad habit, it is a slow suicide.

“If a person smokes, their lungs will never recover from acute pneumonia or the aftermath of Covid-19,” he says. Smoking after an illness is simply slow suicide. Without it, the lungs recover easily.

He added that this process lasts on average between three months and a full year and is highly dependent on the state of the immune system and the person’s physical fitness.

He says: “All diseases related to the emerging coronavirus and other respiratory infectious diseases indicate a weakening of the body’s defenses, first of all the immune system and therefore physical fitness. A person who practices sports and follows a style of healthy life, even if infected with the disease, will not be severely affected as it happens when A person does not take care of his health. “

Source: Novosti

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