Exercising regularly improves strength. But recovery is just as important as exercise. And at that point, bandages and compression garments are widely used for running and in the practice of various sports facilitate recovery and prevent injuries. Now, a study in Japan has shown that compression garments also reduce loss of strength after strenuous exercise.
The team, led by assistant professor János Négyesi and professor Ryoichi Nagatomi of Tohoku University’s Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, used a computerized dynamometer to train healthy people for fatigue. They used the same equipment to survey changes in maximum strength and the sense of position of the knee joint at the end of the workout, 24 hours later and a week later.
The results published in European Journal of Applied Physiology has been shown to wear a compression garment below the knee during training compensates for the effects of fatigue on maximum strength immediately after exercise and the day after. In other words: You can start your next maximum intensity strength training earlier if you used a below-the-knee compression garment in the previous workout.
Although compression garments reduce loss of strength, their results reiterated that they do not provide protection against knee joint position errors.
According to the researchers, wearing compression garments below the knee while exercising is beneficial. Shutterstock photo.
“Our previous studies have focused solely on the effects of compression garments in the sense of joint position,” said Négyesi. “This work found that garments have the potential to reduce strength loss after strenuous exercise, which can help us better understand how applying a compression garment during exercise can decrease the risk of musculoskeletal injuries during sporting activities “.
Researchers believe that wearing a compression garment below the knee during regular workouts it is profitable thanks to the mechanical support and compression of the fabric it provides.
In future research, the team aims to detect whether week-long maximum-intensity programs produce different results than current results to determine the longitudinal effects of compression garments.
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