High blood pressure can damage the heart, major organs and arteries over time, which can increase the risk of developing heart and circulatory disease.
The British Heart Foundation said it is normal to have blood pressure for a short time if you are feeling stressed.
And the health site continued: “When you are stressed, your body produces hormones like adrenaline, the” fight or flight “hormone. Adrenaline speeds up your heart rate and increases blood pressure as a way to help. your body to adapt to the situation. Once the tension is gone, your blood pressure should return to normal. And unhealthy stress-related habits, such as unhealthy eating and drinking lots of alcohol, can cause long-term hypertension.
In a study published in the US National Library of Medicine, stress and hypertension were investigated.
The study pointed out that “genetic and behavioral factors do not fully explain the development of hypertension, and there is mounting evidence that psychological and social factors may also play an important role.”
Exposure to chronic stress has been hypothesized as a risk factor for hypertension and both stressful aspects of the social environment and low socioeconomic status have been extensively examined.
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Social relationships are important sources of emotional and work support and can mitigate the negative physical and psychological effects of stress.
Lack of supportive relationships not only leaves you without these resources, but can itself be a major source of stress. Social isolation, defined in terms of the size and composition of the social network (e.g., marital status, number of close friends and relatives, religious affiliations or other groups), is associated with cardiovascular disease and deaths from all causes.
On the other hand, relationships can be a source of conflict, and tension related to an unhappy or strained marriage has been linked to negative cardiovascular effects.
In general, there is growing empirical support for the hypothesis that exposure to chronic psychological and social stress contributes to the development of hypertension.
Dr. Michael Kayal, a cardiologist at Geisenger Medical Center, said everyone feels stressed at different times in their life.
But he added, “When these stresses are not addressed and build up over time, we end up with chronic stress that can appear in the body as a physical symptom. Hypertension is a common side effect of stress. We realize this.”
How to reduce stress and reduce the risk of hypertension
The Mayo Clinic has listed some options to help reduce stress levels, including:
Simplify your schedule. If you’re always feeling rushed, take a few minutes to review your calendar and to-do lists. Find activities that take time but aren’t very important to you. Schedule less time for these activities or cancel them altogether.
Breathe to relax. Taking slow, deep breaths can help you relax.
– Playing sports. Physical activity is a natural way to relieve stress. Just make sure you get your doctor’s approval before starting a new exercise program, especially if you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure.
Practice yoga and meditation. They strengthen your body and help you relax.
Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can make your problems seem worse than they actually are.
Change your point of view. When dealing with problems, resist the tendency to complain. Acknowledge your feelings about the situation and then focus on finding solutions.
Source: Express
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