Hillary and Chelsea Clinton launch production company and host Apple TV series on ‘Trailblazing Women’


Top line

Hillary Clinton co-founded a production company called HiddenLight Productions with daughter Chelsea Clinton and director Sam Branson, and they intend to share the stories of inspiring people, starting with an Apple TV series about women, she She said Thursday.

Main aspects

Apple TV said Deadline the docuseries based on the Clintons’ book Brave women will present a diverse cast of women to understand what makes them “brave”.

Apple TV did not say who will be in attendance; Topics in the book include education activist Malala Yousafzai, climate activist Greta Thunberg, and former US Attorney General Sally Yates.

Financial details of the Apple TV deal were not disclosed.

Crucial quote

“The world needs more change makers. And I believe that telling the stories of people who defy the odds and march forward will inspire others to do the same,” Hillary Clinton tweeted.

Key background

Hillary and Chelsea Clinton are the latest public figures to start production companies. Former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama launched Higher Ground Productions in 2018 and signed a multi-year deal with Netflix to create series and movies. In September, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced they had formed a production company and signed an exclusive deal to make content for Netflix.

Further reading

Hillary and Chelsea Clinton will present and produce ‘Gutsy Women’ docuseries at Apple (Deadline)

Barack and Michelle Obama sign Netflix production deal (Variety)

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle sign exclusive deal for Netflix (Forbes)

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