Hematology patient-centered medicine plan for near real-time personalized care


The more efficient way to take care of patients having a chronic disease – or one that can last over time – is knowing how it affects them the disease they live with day by day. In this way, by agglutinating the maximum information any derivatives from patients, the medical teams will be able to give a complete and effective response in order to combat the disease they suffer from. Furthermore, today group information, analyze it and use it to always be one step ahead it is much easier thanks to high technology and software. These, in fact, they have the ability to collect data and cross them to be more effective and useful for doctors and patients.

In this sense, it is worth highlighting the work that the Clinical and Organizational Innovation Unit (UICO) of the Public Hospitals managed by Quirónsalud in Madrid with E-Res Health, the health outcomes evaluation program that has approximately 500 patients in its hematology branch. Specifically, the processes of lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and myeloma participate in this initiative.

The Dr. Raúl Córdoba, specialist in the Hematology Service and coordinator of the Functional Lymphoma Unit of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation, indicated that “there are already more than half a thousand patients participating in the program E-Res Health Ematology, which tell us how they live their disease and how it affects their daily life, which allows us customize care and care as much as possible that we offer them with the shortest possible delay “.

E-Res Salud Hematology: 100% digitized participation process

E-Res Health Ematology It is a program for evaluating PROM and PREM health outcomes. That is, of measurement of health outcomes and lived experience during their process, respectively, perceived by the patient, which constitutes “the maximum expression of their participation in your healthcare process through a system that allows us to quantify the results that really matter to him “.

How to participate in the E-Res Salud initiative? For this, the responsible physician must include the patient in the program and, in addition, the user must be registered in the file Patient Portal (Self-developed application that constitutes the main two-way communication channel with the hospital and allows the patient to be the real protagonist of their own healthcare path), which guides this initiative.

From that moment on, the patient receives a series of questionnaires specially designed for him by his clinical team, where the most important aspects of the health process for which he is being cared for are collected. Your answers will allow doctors to follow the evolution of important elements over time such as symptoms, impact or possible negative effects of treatment, emotional or social issues, as well asexperiment throughout the healthcare process.

A real-time response to the patient’s needs

Hematology patient-centered medicine plan for near real-time personalized care
Dr. Raúl Córdoba, specialist in the Hematology Service and coordinator of the Lymphoma Functional Unit of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation

Based on the information provided by the patient in these questionnaires, collected through the Patient Portal and recorded in the user’s medical record, doctors can react and respond in real time to what they experience and what they need to solve or alleviate the problem for the benefit of their well-being.

The program, whose main objective is to give the patient a voice to apply it for the benefit of their health, is underway at the Fundación Jiménez Díaz (Madrid), Rey Juan Carlos (Móstoles), Infanta Elena (Valdemoro) and General de Villalba (Collado Villalba), whose Company Hematology Service is directed by Dra. Pilar Llamas. In the short year this Hematology project was launched, more than 4,000 questionnaires were launched through the Patient Portal, with a response rate of 40%. Also involved in this program is Dr. Adriana Pascual, member of the UICO, Head of the Infanta Elena Hematology Service and Deputy Medical Director of this hospital.

“This gives us a significant amount of information to learn from to improve the patient care circuit and their experience in any of these four hospitals,” explained the Dr. Córdoba. Furthermore, thanks to E-Res Salud, by entering the program, the patient is well aware of the key role they will play in the decision-making process of doctors on their healthcare process to individualize and optimize their care.

What is the Clinical and Organizational Innovation Unit (UICO) and what does it do?

The UICO is a multidisciplinary and transversal unit for this hospital network, whose goal is to improve the final results in the different interest groups: patients, doctors and managers.

Among the UICO missions are the construction of the network of these hospital centers for the joint improvement of results as well work with an organized agenda for the development of organizational innovation and new skills to implement your model and design and implement changes methodically. Regarding its functions, the UICO coordinates continuous learning in the network of four hospitals, supports and facilitates the work of multidisciplinary groups for the development of the aforementioned model and supports the cultural change necessary to implement it.

The Clinical and Organizational Innovation Unit, together with the Medical Directorate, the Information Services and the Patient Assistance Directorate, among other departments of the four centers, promoted and coordinated the profound transformation this meant the new health model of this hospital network.

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