Heartfelt: Chyno walks hand in hand with his wife


Heartfelt: Chyno walks hand in hand with his wife

Chyno and his wife Natasha Araoz.

Photo: Chyno Miranda / Courtesy

Showing his steps, slowly, trying to find the stability of his path in his wife, Natasha Araos, Chyno Miranda, is giving everything to get back to walking pain-free soon, and overcome what had forced him to bed in the hospital for 4 weeks.

As the Venezuelan singer himself shared, since March he began to feel pain and tingling in both hands and legs. A week ago, when he revealed the deterioration and severe pain he had been suffering from since then, he said that he had been hospitalized for 4 weeks because he had gotten to the point where he could no longer walk.

From home, with Natasha leading this new chapter of his life, Chyno receives his therapies and his wife is the one who also helps him get them together. Because as she said herself, the best medicine to cure the singer will be love, hers, that of her son and that of her fans.

Today he shared that, even if with difficulty, the singer is already coming in trying, little by little, to be stronger every day.

What’s Chyno got? As reported Charry asked in ‘The fat and the thin’It is a disease called neuropathy, which inflames the nerves in the body and requires a lot of therapy to return to normal. There are many causes that trigger it. From cancer to diabetes. Even alcoholism or exposure to agents such as mercury and chromium. In addition, sufferers can lose muscle mass and hair in the extremities, but the main feature is extreme pain in the body.

From his home, and following all the medical indications and that of his wife, and the strength of his little son, Lucca, Chyno is focused on her recovery and will soon be able to walk and do activities as before.


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