Healthcare continues to provide swabs for the early detection of uterine cancer and fetal abnormalities


Health Authority Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology continues to provide comprehensive health insurance services in partnership with the Egyptian Association for Cervical Endoscopy and Early Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer Swabs is provided free of charge in the hospital on Friday 27 and Saturday 28 November .

The Health Authority said a medical team from the Egyptian Society for Cervical Endoscopy takes samples from women and analyzes them using the latest cervical microscope device under the supervision of specialized professors.

Dr Muhammad al-Azab, head of the association and expert in the treatment of cervical cancer, said: There is a group of groups that are subject to the investigation, namely, women who have been married for 18 years, women who have previously had a viral infection in the reproductive system and pregnant women after the third month, in order to control the cervix and its absence from the cell and microbial changes causing premature labor and burst water sac.

He continued: Reservations are made at the Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology through the Beneficiary Satisfaction Department or by phone at 066/3225930, in addition to free early diagnosis of fetal abnormalities for five-month pregnant women.


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