“Health”: 1,289 new cases of Coronavirus – location – health


In line with the plan of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection to expand and increase the scope of examinations in the country with the aim of early detection and counting cases infected with the emerging coronavirus “Covid-19” and those who have had contacts with them and isolate them, the Ministry announced that in the past 24 hours 129,900 new examinations have been conducted on different groups of the company, using better use. And the latest in medical examination technology.

The intensification of investigation and examination procedures in the country and the expansion of the number of examinations at the state level have contributed to the identification of 1,289 new cases of emerging coronavirus of different nationalities, all stable and subject to the necessary health care, bringing the total number of cases registered at 170,149 cases.

The Ministry also announced the death of 4 infected people following infection with the emerging coronavirus, bringing the number of deaths in the country to 576 cases.

The Ministry of Health and Protection of the Community expressed its regret and sincere condolences and condolences to the families of the deceased, and the wish for a speedy recovery for all the wounded, inviting community members to collaborate with the health authorities, join to instructions and adhere to social distances to ensure the health and safety of all.

The Ministry also announced the recovery of 768 new cases of people infected with the emerging coronavirus “Covid-19” and who have completely recovered from the symptoms of the disease after receiving the necessary health care since entering the hospital, thus bringing the total of cases of healing to 155,667 cases.

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