Hayao Miyazaki has despised the anime that is destroying her


Kimetsu no Yaiba is the anime / manga franchise of the moment. Since the release of the anime, sales of the manga have started to grow impressively – Oricon talks about 100 million copies in circulation at the end of October – and now, the movie Demon Slayer: Mugen Train is breaking all records at the box office in Japan.

It was recently revealed that the film surpassed others like Moving Castle and Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone to sneak into fifth place among the highest-grossing films in all of Japan’s history. To reach number 1, you need to type your name, Frozen, Titanic, and Spirited Away, in that order.

As Studio Ghibli’s film recording approaches, many people are wondering what Hayao Miyazaki will think. So a journalist from the Japanese outlet Smart FLASH decided to visit the home of the famous anime director and ask him directly what he thought of the competition. Miyazaki’s answers won’t disappoint anyone; even if it was not extended in them because it was approached when he went to pick up the garbage.

“That doesn’t worry me (the fact that the Kimetsu no Yaiba movie will overtake Spirited Away). It’s best for studio harmony that we go back to being the best at the box office, but this or that and the rest aren’t really a problem. It is better to work as much as possible, ”Miyazaki replied, when asked about the impressive box office of the aforementioned film.

When the reporter asked him if he had already seen Demon Slayer: Mugen Train, the beloved creator of Ghibli replied no; but he doesn’t even watch TV or movies “I’m just an old retiree picking up trash.”

However, the reporter wanted more information about it and asked him: “There are fans who are disappointed that Spirited Away is no longer number 1 …” to which Miyazaki replied:

“I don’t really care. Because there is always inflation in this world. I have to collect the garbage… ”.

On previous occasions, the recipient of an honorary Oscar in 2014 has shown his rejection of current animation. In a magazine with the Golden Times last May he said that “I would never want to incorporate that technology into my work. I strongly feel it is an insult to life itself ”.

Beyond these answers, we know that Hayao Miyazaki has shown himself as a “grumpy old man” who lives on the fringes of what happens in the film and anime industry; which makes him even more adorable in front of his fans; Well, the director, with his trajectory, has never prioritized money or that his products generate millions and millions of yen.

Plus, seeing him pick up the trash in his neighborhood shows us what he inspires even in his famous films: he cares about the environment, regardless of what his box office rivals do. The sun shines for everyone.

In more related topics, we recommend: these are the power levels of the characters from the first part of the anime.

Jemima Sebastián does a little bit of everything at IGN Latin America. He loves anime, sports and has yet to see Kimetsu no Yaiba. Find it in Twitter and Instagram like @jemafg

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