Google Chrome is now much faster, with instant loading on Android


Chrome updates to version 87 with instant page loading, faster speed, and other useful new features.

Last updated on 18/11/2020 at 10:34

The Google Chrome version 87 Now the best web browser for Android that exists today is available to all users. And among its novelties, especially the speed improvements that Google has included in this edition of your browser.

And is that, according to the company itself, Chrome 87 represents the biggest advancement in browser speed in years. And if that’s not enough, new useful features have also been introduced such as a function to search among our open tabs.

Chrome with instant loading on Android

Chrome for Android will be much faster.

All the improvements and news of Chrome 87

As for performance, Google explains it Chrome 87 represents improvements of up to 25% at startupand 7% in web page load. Furthermore, the RAM memory consumption, one of the biggest browser problems since its inception.

Also, the feeling of speed while browsing will be greater from now on Chrome will prioritize active tabs, in order to reduce the load on the CPU and, therefore, improve energy consumption by not allocating a good part of the resources to the cards in the background.

This implies that the cards in use will have more resources available and therefore the page loading should be faster.

Indeed, on Android the loading of the web pages will be instantaneous –Or almost– when we browse forwards or backwards on a website. Until now, this feature was available via an experimental feature or flag browser, but from now on it will be enabled by default.

Search for tabs in Chrome

Chrome now allows you to search for tabs.

And that’s not all. On the desktop version of Chrome, this is now possible search cards via a search button integrated in the browser’s taskbar, at the top. From there it will be possible to carry out searches that will show us the file in their results open tabs containing the searched text.

Finally, Google announces the arrival of others useful functions to the browser, such as the ability to perform even faster actions from the search bar at the top of the browser –For example, clear history or change passwords. They will also begin to show cards in the new card screen with articles or pages that have been visited recently and that we may want to visit again.

All these news are available in Google Chrome version 87, available for download on Android, iOS and desktop platforms.

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