Good news for cholesterol sufferers … and photos of Tamer Ashour’s wife after sparking controversy


In the past few hours, Sada Al-Balad has published many important news in the health and women’s sectors, and here are the most important details …

Samar Abu Shaqtah, wife of artist Tamer Ashour, revealed her adherence to the decision to divorce the artist after a life separation between them, but without the divorce, Samar explained that they have been like this for about a year and a half. .

Studies of statins and others have found that cholesterol-lowering treatments consistently help reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other vascular events.
It is not considered Reduction in blood pressure Always a sign of a problem. But if you have symptoms of low blood pressure, your doctor can diagnose the condition and find out the cause. Symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness when standing up from sitting or lying down – with a drop in blood pressure. Treat low blood pressure with drinksLow pressure treatment Headache and low pressure treatment for pregnant women.

Scientists at Northwestern University have developed a new type of hair dye that may be healthier than traditional chemical hair dyes known to cause sensitivity, swelling and increase the risk of cancer in some people.


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