Global Health: Total pledges to support Kovacs reached $ 5.1 billion


The World Health Organization has expressed concern about the increase in cases of Coronavirus disease, especially in Europe and the Americas, as health systems and healthcare workers are pushed beyond their maximum capacity..

The Director General of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, on what he called the “encouraging” news regarding the arrival of vaccines that have proven highly effective in addressing Covid-19 disease: ” We remain cautiously optimistic about the possibility of starting the use of new tools in the coming months. ” Tedros continues to follow the guidelines and directives related to the response to the pandemic.

According to the World Health Organization, WHO experts indicate that there are many questions about upcoming vaccines, the most important of which is related to the length of time the vaccine provides protection for humans before it expires and the side effects of the vaccine on patients, particularly the elderly..

The Director-General of the World Health Organization said it is necessary to ensure that there are sufficient masks, gloves and other protective equipment, with the ability to access sufficient tests, treatments and supplies to meet the demand for vaccines now. ..

The statements of Dr. Tedros, from the organization’s headquarters in Geneva, after the end of the two-week quarantine period, when he came into contact with a person who tested positive for the virus. Dr. Tedros: “I was fine and I had no symptoms, and now it’s been 17 days and I’m still following (the recommended directions). Since there were no symptoms I didn’t see the need to take the test, and I assure you that I’m fine and I’m very involved in the work.The most important thing is to follow the protocol.“.

Since the start of the pandemic, 65 WHO employees in Geneva have hired COVID-19, who work remotely from their homes and the organization’s headquarters, he added. The organization emphasized the provision of adequate care, monitoring of people who contact them and other necessary protocols. Of these cases, 49 have been recorded in the past eight weeks.

Dr Tedros stressed that the Corona virus is “a dangerous virus that can attack any organ in the body”, indicating that countries that have generally left the virus uncontrolled “are playing with fire.“.

He said: “First, there will be more deaths and unnecessary suffering. Second, we have seen more people suffer from the long-term effects of the virus, and thirdly, health care workers in particular face severe psychological pressures and cases affecting health systems in many countries “.“.

The World Health Organization has issued guidelines and tools to increase the capacity of medical and public health personnel, supplies and facilities to manage disease and has deployed 150 emergency medical teams, which help countries plan and implement their responses to emergencies..

And Dr. Tedros says, “WHO and its partners are working with governments and health leaders to ensure there is protection for injured health care workers, to make sure there are enough beds for COVID-19 patients and that essential sanitary ware continue to be provided safely.“.

According to the World Health Organization, about one in five deaths from COVID-19 in the African region is associated with diabetes..

D called. Tedros is looking to invest in a well-trained and protected public health workforce that has sufficient tools to monitor contacts, ensure patient isolation, and manage disease effectively.

It noted that countries that have invested in COVID-19 case identification, assistance, isolation, community-focused cases, appropriate testing with quick results, contact tracing, and quarantine support face fewer disruptions.

He added: “As countries are taking stringent measures to curb the rapid spread of Covid-19, it is time to invest in systems that prevent further virus waves.”“.

He also called for efforts to support health workers, keep schools open and protect the most vulnerable and the economy. “It’s not a choice between survival and livelihood, the fastest way to open economies is to defeat the virus“.

The director of the organization said the total commitment to support the Kovacs facility reached $ 5.1 billion after the European Commission, France, Spain and Korea pledged $ 360 million. However, the World Health Organization notes the urgent need to provide an additional $ 4.2 billion and $ 23.9 billion requested in 2021, to ensure vaccines are rapidly distributed around the world, in Europe and in Africa to save lives, support health systems and move towards a true global recovery..

Dr. Tedros: With countries spending trillions of dollars to support economies, Kovacs is the best way possible because it means the fastest recovery for everyone.“.


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