Global Health issues new recommendations regarding the treatment of Corona patients with remdesivir


Today, Friday, the World Health Organization (WHO) said the antiviral drug remdesivir should not be used to treat Corona patients, regardless of the severity of their disease because it “has no significant effect” on survival chances..

According to a report by TIME NOW NEWS, the WHO Guidelines Development Group (GDG) of international experts, scratching one of the few treatments that has shown some promising initial results in patients with severe conditions, said that “there are no evidence based on available data “. Currently, it improves important outcomes for patients. “

The United States, the European Union, and other countries have granted temporary approval for the use of remdesivir after preliminary research showed it could reduce recovery times for some Coronavirus patients and President Donald Trump has been treated. with Primedivir, among other drugs, after testing positive for Coronavirus in October..

Today, Friday, the World Health Organization’s recommendation was based on four randomized international studies involving more than 7,000 patients hospitalized with the virus..

And after publishing the updated treatment guidelines in the medical journal BMJ , The committee acknowledged that their recommendation does not mean that remdesivir has no benefit for patients, but based on the latest data, costs and delivery methods, they advised “not to administer remdesivir beyond normal care to treat patients. in hospital with Coronavirus, regardless of the severity of the disease “.

Remdesivir was initially developed as a treatment for the Ebola virus, and was discovered in a study published in May to reduce the length of hospital stay for Corona patients from 15 to 11 days on average..

But a previous edition of the World Health Organization found that the drug “appears to have little or no effect” on the death rate or length of hospitalization among the more than 11,000 hospitalized patients in 30 countries..


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