Glamor or kitsch? What did a Moldovan woman do to this 200,000 euro Lamborghini? VIDEO


Sometimes there can be such a fine line between good taste and kitsch that it’s very easy to tease you, or at least draw attention to yourself.

A Lamborghini Huracan was not enough for the Moldovan.

Using Vinceri’s services, Daria Radionova chose to cover her € 200,000 car with 1.3 million Swarovski crystals.

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Daria Radionova, a young woman from the Republic of Moldova, the country where her wealthy family lives, has returned to the attention of the automotive press with her quirky new car.

She is not the first to do so. Daria Radionova owned a Bentley Continental GT partially decorated with such crystals.

Previously, he attracted media attention with a fully Swarowski-covered Mercedes-Benz CLS. (Source Business Store)

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