Gica Hagi is silent and does it. The “king” took 3.5 million euros. Gica Popescu’s first reaction


Gica Hagi has retired from the position of coach of Viitorul, but is working hard for the development of the Academy. Recently the “King” took out a loan of 3.5 million euros, with preferential interest, money that will be invested in the development of the Academy that bears his name.

Gica Hagi announced in early August 2020 that he will retire from the coaching position in Viitorul, a very surprising decision. The “king” has taken a step back, but is still very much involved in the development of the club. Indeed, Gica Hagi made this decision to devote herself entirely to the development of the Academy. The greatest Romanian footballer continues to invest in children and young people and recently received a loan of 3.5 million euros.

Gica Hagi took out a € 3.5 million loan from one of the team’s sponsors

Fairly discreet in her public appearances, Gică Hagi works hard for the development of the Academy, even though she has already transformed it into one of the most modern in Europe. But Hagi doesn’t want to stop there and has taken out a loan of 3.5 million euros. Of this amount, 3 million euros will be invested only in the Academy, where new housing is to be built for young players, but also new training fields. A new office building and a recovery center will also be built. The difference of 500,000 euros will be used for the senior team’s activity.

Gica Hagi took out the € 3.5 million loan from BRD, one of the team’s oldest sponsors. As a result, the loan was granted with various concessions and preferential interest rates.

“We are pleased to have found in BRD Société Générale a visionary partner, which finances the development at an international competitive level of training skills within the” Academia Gheorghe Hagi “Sports Training Center. It is very important for us to complete the first one next year. phase of what will become one of the most successful sports complexes in Central and Eastern Europe, designed to train and train future internationally successful footballers. “, said Gica Popescu, president of Viitorului, quoted by

Gica Hagi has taken 3.5 million euros which will invest in the new generation

Viitorului’s owner explained in an interview for Telekom Sport that he has retired from the position of coach to prepare the next generation. Hagi says that the first generation he formed, the one born until 1999, has reached maturity and now needs to work on the next cycle. The “King” says that in this period he is working hard to train the generation of players born in the period 2000-2004.

“We still have players. We built a generation up to 99. We have another generation 2000-2004 …. The question is very good, this is how I give you the answer and why I retired. The time has come for me. to review, after 10 years, to review everything in the Academy, to be done for the next 10 years. Selection, players … Everything we have there “, revealed Gică Hagi of Telekom Sport.

Gica Hagi then took out a € 3.5 million loan to create facilities for the new 10-year project it is preparing.

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