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Prysmatic Labs' Blockchain developers share updates from Ethereum 2.0 Sharding and Casper

Blockchain developers at Prysmatic Labs share updates from Ethereum 2.0 Sharding and Casper

Improve safety and security by preparing blockchain for business use

Improving safety and security by preparing Blockchains for business use

Crypto Influencers on Twitter have been hit with the SIM card Hacking

Crypto Influencers on Twitter have been hit with the SIM card Hacking

Michael Arrington Lauds The token XRP for Hedge Fund Efficiency and Convenience

Michael Arrington Lauds The XRP token for Hedge Funds Efficiency and Convenience

KPMG, Singapore Airlines and Microsoft Partner for Blockchain Air Loyalty Program

KPMG, Singapore Airlines and Microsoft Partner for Blockchain Airline Loyalty Program

Crypto Users Warning: Trend Micro discover Bitcoin ATM malware in underground markets

Crypto Users Warning: Trend Micro discovers Bitcoin ATM malware in underground markets

IBM is putting its chips on Blockchain: with over 500 DLT projects, is it worth betting?

IBM is putting its chips on Blockchain: with over 500 DLT projects, it's worth the gamble

The exchanges of Crypto and the Australian Ico will receive more control from the regulators

Australian encryption exchanges and ICOs will receive more controls from regulators

Utility costs for Blockchain solar power producers pay additional commissions in Thailand [19659018] Utility costs for Blockchain Solar energy producers pay additional commissions in Thailand

Hedgy acquired by Wyre Crypto Start of payment for Blockchain Smart Contract Team

Hedgy acquired by Wyre Crypto Payment start up for Blockchain Smart Contract Team

South Korea Try the New Crypto "International Discipline System" with 14 Other Countries

South Korea attempts Crypto's New "International Discipline System" with 14 Other C ountries

Los Angeles Dodgers Announces First Night Encrypted in the History of Professional Sports for September 21

Los Angeles Dodgers Announces First Night Encrypted in Sports History for September 21st

[BREAKING]: SAP is testing XRP integrations as non-Blockchain chat ripple Tweet Shares News

[BREAKING]: SAP is testing XRP Integrations as no Ripple Blockchain Chat Tweet Shares News

Ripple outperforms the Blockchain Bank Benchmark with over 100 production contracts

Ripple outperforms the Benchchain Benchchain Bank with 100+ contracts production

JSECoin Crypto Mining platform launches Blockchain Ad-Exchange

Platform JSECoin Crypto Mining launches Blockchain Ad-Exchange

Halsey Minor of CNET, Salesforce and VideoCoin Co-Founder has interviewed

Halsey Minor of CNET, Salesforce and VideoCoin Co-Founder has Interview

How to measure the value of a coin via active blockchain addresses [19659033] How to measure the value of a currency via active blockchain Add

The use of the Blockchain for evidence judged legally bound by the Supreme Court of China

The use of the blockchain for evidence judged legally bound by the Chinese Supreme Court

Ukraine believes that the income from encryption is taxable for investors [195%] 19659038] Ukraine judges taxable income from taxis Investors toast 19.5% tax for profits

Opera Wallet opens CryptoKitties and Crypto Collectibles transferring

Opera Wallet opens CryptoKitties and Crypto Collectibles transferring

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