George Clooney reveals how he gave $ 1 million in cash to his friends


To imagine

Actor George Clooney has finally revealed the story behind the memorable $ 1 million gift he gave to each of his 14 friends, Insider writes.

Rande Gerber, one of the actor’s longtime friends, recounted in 2017 how Clooney invited his closest friends to a dinner one night and surprised them with a suitcase full of cash as a gift to everyone.

Now, Clooney has also told the story for the first time from his point of view in an interview with GQ magazine.

The big gift day took place on September 27, 2013, just before the premiere of the movie “Gravity” in which he played Clooney.

The film turned out to be “a great deal” for the actor because it was agreed to be paid a percentage of the income the film will generate, just like actress Sandra Bullock.

Clooney had already met his future wife, Amal Alamuddin, but the two were not yet together. The actor had no close family members to have fun with.

“So I thought, I have these guys who have helped me in one way or another in 35 years,” the actor recalled.

“I slept with them on the couch when I was a lefter. They lent me money when I was a lefter. They helped me when I needed their help over the years. And I’ve helped them over the years. We are all good friends. “Clooney continued.

“So I thought, you know, without them you wouldn’t have any of that. And we’re all very close and I thought if a bus hit me, they’d all be in the will anyway. So why damn, I’m waiting to be run over by a bus? ”the actor told GQ.

Clooney came up with the idea of ​​having cash in his suitcase, but he had to find a way to get $ 14 million in cash. His search led him to a “secret location” in Los Angeles, where pallets were being sold for cash.

So Clooney hired a van with “Florar” on it, like in a burglary movie, got there, got on an elevator in the florist’s van, and headed to the safe where he loaded it. cash pallets.

He did not tell anyone about the plan except his assistant and some agents responsible for his security “who were doing it”.

According to Rande Gerber, the actor’s friend, Clooney’s group of friends are simply called “Boys”. The actor called each of the “Boys” and told them to write one day on their calendar for a dinner at his house.

When the group arrived at the actor’s home, everyone found a suitcase in its place at the table.

George began by saying, “Listen, I want you to know how important you are to me and how important you are in my life. When I arrived in Los Angeles I slept on your couches. I’m so glad I had you in my life and I wouldn’t have arrived. where are they without you “.

When they opened their suitcases, they all found one million dollars in $ 20 bills.

“You don’t have to worry about the kids, because – you know – schools – you don’t have to worry about the fare at home,” Clooney would tell them, according to Rande, who reported that in addition to the money offered, Clooney also paid taxes for that year. .

Almost exactly one year later that day, on September 27, 2014, Clooney married his wife Amal.

“It’s good karma there,” Gerber said of the coincidence.


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