Gastro or Covid? How to differentiate digestive disorders


Do you have a stomach ache and do not know what ailment awaits you? As a reminder, gastroenteritis is inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract. In some cases, gastroenteritis can be accompanied by fever, vomiting, or abdominal pain.

As we know today, the first symptoms of the coronavirus are very similar to those of a cold: mild fever, stuffy or runny nose, sore throat and cough. Other less frequent symptoms may appear, such as muscle aches, loss of taste and smell, etc. However, some studies show a relationship between the symptoms of these two diseases.

Their common point

Gastroenteritis can be very contagious, as can the coronavirus. These diseases can be transmitted by direct contact between two people (infected surface, contact with the contaminated individual …).

How to differentiate Covid-19 from Gastro?

Unlike gastro, Covid-19 is transmitted by air, from postillions and sneezing emitted by a case that tested positive for coronavirus, located less than a meter from us.

Another thing, the incubation period is not the same for these two viruses. As for gastroenteritis, the incubation period is from 24 to 72 hours and from 1 to 14 days for Covid-19.

Which treatment?

For the moment, no cure has really been found for the coronavirus, although several vaccines have been announced for 2021. , banana, lean or grilled meat …).

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