Games: The next generation of consoles is at the beginning


There are actually four devices on the market in November: Microsoft and Sony each present one console with and one without disk drives. Microsoft presented the Xbox Series X for 499 euros and a “reduced” Xbox Series S for 299 euros. Sony offers the PlayStation 5 with a drive for $ 499.99 and as a digital edition without a Blu-ray drive for $ 399.99. In this way, they serve different buyer groups and market segments.

Production difficulties due to Corona

The gaming industry has actually been one of the crown pandemic winners in many areas since the first bloc in spring. But that doesn’t apply to the long-planned introduction of the next-generation Xbox Series X and Playstation 5 consoles.

Because Corona not only prevented major advertising campaigns, like seven years ago when the previous generation was introduced, but it also made the production of the two new consoles more difficult, so much so that at the beginning even the pre-order contingents, especially the versions with drive, quickly sold out.

Slow transition to the new generation

In order not to annoy gamers too much, Microsoft and Sony strategically rely on a slow transition and continuity in games: you can play many games from the previous generation, Xbox One or Playstation 4, on the new devices. The Xbox Series X also allows you to play many games from the Xbox range on the new console. Additionally, some game manufacturers offer a free upgrade to the new generation when they purchase a game for older consoles.

The changes are also quite small with game controllers – sometimes the Xbox button is less detached, sometimes the Playstation 5 controller promises a more realistic gaming experience. But overall the changes are quite minor.

Pleasantly short loading times

Technically, the Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X complete the transition to 4K graphics, initiated by the previous generation upgrade consoles. As a result, the new consoles also show a high-resolution picture on large TV screens and, thanks to stable refresh rates, a sharp picture even with fast movements.

The biggest change is faster data storage – they dramatically reduce loading times at the start of the console and within games. Elaborate and therefore memory-intensive game productions, which previous consoles have often pushed to the limit of their performance, get a pleasant flow of play.

New base for a more complex game design

At the same time, the new generation also provides a new technological foundation for game developers. You can make new games even more detailed, game worlds even bigger, and characters even more realistic. But experience shows that it takes some time before the possibilities of the new console generation are truly exhausted.

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