Gabon spent 2 billion FCFA on purchasing antiretrovirals in 2020 despite coronavirus


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The Gabonese government spent the tidy sum of 2 billion FCFA in 2020 on the purchase of antiretrovirals in 2020 despite the severe budgetary tensions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, announced the Gabonese Minister of Health, Dr Guy Patrick Obiang Ndong.

The envelope allowed Gabon to avoid a rupture if not a shortage of antiretrovirals in the country, which would have been very harmful for the many patients treated for free in the country, the minister explained.

According to UNAIDS, Gabon had around 51,000 people living with HIV / AIDS at the end of 2019 for a national prevalence of 4.1%. Only 26,000 people, or 51%, had access to antiretroviral treatment.

Marie dorothée


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