From the plague to Covid-19 … 300 years of resistance to epidemics in the Mediterranean


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The “Future Mediterranean” Summit, organized by the “South-Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur” region over the past four years, addresses the problems and crises that all the countries of the Mediterranean basin face. The Covid-19 pandemic took hold of the fourth edition of the summit after the three previous editions addressed the issues of “global warming”, “youth and creativity” and “investments”. The debate will take place on Tuesday via video.

The Greek historian Tossedid, who lived in the fifth century BC, said that history repeats itself. The discourse on epidemics in 2020 suddenly returned, against the backdrop of the emergence of the Corona virus that sowed panic in the world, recalling the plague that struck Marseille in 1720, leaving about 50 thousand dead, almost half the population of the era of the French coastal town.

300 years after the plague crisis, the Corona virus, which the World Health Organization has called “Covid-19”, appeared between October and December 2019, changing the face of life on Earth. Since the first patient was diagnosed in Hubei, central China on December 1, 2019, healthcare professionals around the world have been trying to find a solution to end the outbreak.

The fourth edition of the “Mediterranean in the Future” summit will be held on Tuesday 1 December, via video link, with the participation of several medical specialists and in the presence of two guests of honor, Professor Didier Raoult and the French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, through two main themes that shed light on the pandemic. Dear France 24 journalist, you have the task of moderating the discussion.

The first discussion takes place between ten and eleven in the morning, during which specialists in viruses and infectious diseases try to draw lessons and lessons from previous epidemics. The second discussion, from 11:15 am until noon, revolves around ways to prevent the pandemic and strengthen the international partnership to address the current health crisis.

France 24


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