Freyssinet will start work on the bridge


On November 18, 2019, the Mirepoix sur-Tarn bridge collapsed under the weight of a truck, causing the deaths of a 15-year-old girl, Lisa Nicaise, and the truck driver, Damien Calvel. a week, a year later, the families gathered in the strictest privacy. However, several questions remain today, in particular on the reason that prompted the truck driver to drive on this prohibited job with more than 19 tons (his were 50). But also on the reconstruction of the bridge, questions to which Georges Méric, president of the departmental council, recently answered, recalling that it would be well rebuilt and financed by the institution it presides over, and that the first works could soon begin. The word is kept and a new step has just been taken. The company name was announced yesterday. This is the Freyssinet company, which specializes in the construction and repair of structures, based in Fenouillet. It is she who will take care of the dismantling of the aerial parts of the structure, the first stage of the long work announced for the month of January. The construction site is colossal and requires real experience in the sector since it will be necessary to remove the metal trusses and all the cables of several tons even today in the water.

Colossal site

To carry out this work, used cranes for large construction sites and know-how that few companies can claim to have in France will be required. This dismantling could take up to five months. The Departmental Council has also been asked to keep the pieces removed from the river as they will be examined as part of the ongoing investigation. Very spectacular, this phase of work will be followed by another that will be as much, if not more: the extraction of the submerged parts and in particular of the deck of the bridge, a part weighing over 500 tons that is at the bottom to the Tarn. “We are currently discussing who will be selected, after calls for tenders, to build the construction site wanted this summer, a period in which water levels are lower”, we explain to the Departmental Council which, in the end, will have invested almost 13 million euros to rebuild the bridge.

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