four not-so-stupid questions about the transmission of the virus between humans and animals


After Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands, France is also interested. One of the four mink farms in France, located in Eure-et-Loir, is affected by the Covid-19 epidemic. Thousands of these small mammals raised for their fur will have to be slaughtered. “Another farm is unharmed. Analyzes are still ongoing in the last two and results are expected during the week”, announced the Ministry of Agriculture on Sunday 22 November. What revive the questions about the circulation of the virus between humans and animals, in times of pandemics.

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1Why are minks slaughtered on farms where they have been infected?

Because mink can not only contract the disease, but also, under certain conditions, infect humans. “Recent reports in Denmark and the Netherlands have actually shown cases of human contamination from large mink farms.”, writes theNational Health Security Agency (ANSES), in a notice published on November 19. LWorld Health Organization (WHO) kept the accounts: “From June 2020, 214 human cases of Covid-19 have been identified in Denmark with variants of Sars-CoV-2 associated with farmed mink, including 12 cases with only one variant (…) in North Jutland “, she writes.

According to ANSES, this transmission from the vision to the human being must be connected “in the context of a strong viral pressure due to a high density of animal population within these farms”. “IThere is a question of proximity, not to mention promiscuity in farms: the virus circulates very easily from cage to cage “, also notes Radio France.

Slaughter animals from affected farms thus it allows to avoid new human contaminations. But beyond that, it’s about avoiding the constitution “a virus reservoir” that the epidemic in humans will likely start again within weeks or months, notes France 3 Center-Val de Loire. And for this, “uOnce the virus has been detected on a farm, slaughtering the mink is the only solution to avoid the risk of creating a giant mass “, write the string. Even if the operation takes on important dimensions: Denmark, 17 million animals are to be killed.

On the other hand, notes France 3 Center-Val de Loire, there would be no reason to worry about the virus mutations observed in the mink. For François Balloux, a professor at University College London, they do not increase the transmissibility or lethality of the virus in humans.These mutations represent the adaptations of the virus to transmission in mink and do not make the mutated strains more transmissible or pathogenic to humans “, consider this specialist.

2Have humans been contaminated in France by mink?

For the moment no, the Ministry of Agriculture essentially states in a statement published on November 22. “The results of the analyzes carried out on the farmers of the four farms were all negative. Enhanced surveillance was put in place for four people in relation to the contaminated farm and new analyzes are ongoing.”, writes the ministry.

However, remember “the importance of barrier gestures to counter the spread of Covid-19: it is a question of protecting mink from possible contamination by the farm staff, but also, as a precaution, of avoiding contact between animals that would be infected and breeding staff “.

3Can a dog, cat or pet ferret infect me?

No, answers ANSES, still in his own notice published on November 19, before establishing some nuances.

“Very few dogs have developed clinical signs in natural conditions given the very high levels of exposure to the virus (thousands of people infected with Covid-19 have been in close contact with their dog)”.


in a notice posted on its website

“Furthermore, the tests carried out on contact dogs did not allow to prove the transmission of the virus between them. Finally, there is currently no scientific data that demonstrates the transmission of Sars-CoV-2 from the dog to another species”, adds the agency.

On the other hand, cats not only harbor the virus but can get sick and pass the disease on to their fellow humans. Should we panic so far? No, ANSES replies. “ITo date, there are no scientific data demonstrating the transmission of Sars-CoV-2 from cats to another species “. Ditto for ferrets (and hamsters): they can harbor the virus, get sick and pass it on to other ferrets (or hamsters). But not to other species.

4Can i pass the disease on to my pet?

Yes, and especially your cat, who is more sensitive to the dog virus. So limit affection for him if you are sick.

“The occurrence of natural Sars-CoV-2 infections in cats occurs in a context of high viral pressure, through close contact with their Covid-19 affected owners.”


in a notice posted on its website

In general, if you are infected with Covid-19, the health agency recommends it to you“avoid any close contact with animals” (cat, dog, hamster, ferret, etc.), without compromising their well-being “. When contact is needed (to take care of your pet, for example), it is “recommend wearing a mask and washing hands before and after”.

The same precautions apply to wild animals kept in captivity. Tigers, lions and pumas “ zoological parks “they are receptive and sensitive to Sars-CoV-2”, ANSES points out. Clearly, they can harbor the virus and become ill if they come into contact with infected humans..

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