Former potential Rays customer sentenced to life in prison


A previous perspective of Rays de Tampa, Brando Martin, was sentenced to life sentence in a US court, saying goodbye to his life in MLB.

The reason he was imprisoned for the rest of his life was because he killed his father during an argument at his home, adding his father’s brother and a service technician who were at the scene.

For days they had gone to court to see if they had sentenced him to death, however, the former prospect of the MLB he managed to avoid it and preferred to spend the rest of his life imprisoned with life sentence.

Here is the report:

Martin The 27-year-old played in the minor league with the Rays of Tampa Bay from 2011 to 2013, where he saw action in 155 games, 262 at-bats, 52 hits, 29 runs scored, 7 home runs and 39 RBI with 15 stolen bases, distinguishing himself as a star in shortstop and heading for the Major League of the MLB.

It should be noted that this is not the first perspective of Rays getting lost on the street or through illegal acts, we must also mention Matt Bush, who spent a lot of time in prison and then returned to the Major Leagues, but today he is not in the best baseball in the world, that is MLB.

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