Foods That Eliminate Insomnia and Help You Sleep Fast – Al Bashayer Journal


Sleep disturbances and insomnia are a common problem that many people suffer from and can be caused by excessive intake of stimulants, standing for a long time, or feeling anxious, anxious, depressed and stressed.

According to the Bicycling website, the solution to the sleep problem is associated with persistence in eating certain healthy foods that contain natural properties that stimulate fast, deep sleep.


A study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine confirmed that a diet rich in dietary fiber, including beans, can help us eliminate insomnia and sleep faster, as well as being particularly beneficial for the body and necessary for improving brain performance. including memory during waking hours. .

Black cherry juice

A group of studies indicates that consuming black cherry juice can improve sleep quality and duration, and cherry juice is one of the best natural sources of melatonin, and the pineal gland starts producing the hormone melatonin and releasing it into the blood. after dark, which helps the body get rid of insomnia and sleep faster. .


A group of researchers in Norway found that people who ate salmon three times a week for six months became less prone to insomnia and were able to sleep much faster than those who got more protein from chicken or beef.

Another study in the scientific journal “Scientific Reports” found that children who eat fish at least once a week sleep better than those who eat less fish.


Researchers have found that eating kiwifruit an hour before bed for a month can help those who have trouble sleeping and maintain sustainable sleep, and it’s unclear how the fruit can help promote better sleep, but one explanation is that kiwifruit contains a substance Serotonin, a brain compound that regulates the sleep cycle. Very high levels of vitamin C can also have an effect.

Sesame seeds

These seeds are one of the best sources of this amino acid, which our body uses to produce serotonin and melatonin, two hormones needed to regulate sleep patterns, and you can sprinkle sesame seeds on salads, soups, cooked or roasted vegetables, cereals. cooked and sautéed recipes.

sweet potato

A study by scientists in Brazil found that eating a carbohydrate-rich meal at night can help increase sleep time, and it appears that carbohydrates in items such as sweet potatoes can help transport the amino acid to the brain, where it is used to create the calming serotonin complex which helps to relax. Better.

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