Florian Silbereisen (Advent Festival / ARD): to blame for Andrea Berg’s tears? The schlager star cries on TV


Schlager star Andrea Berg once again wowed fans at the ARD “Advent Festival” with Florian Silbereisen. When she speaks on stage, tears come to her eyes.

Cologne – It was one of the highlights of the ARD hit show Saturday evening: Andrea Berg enchanted the “Advent festival of 100,000 lights“Her fans almost come to an end with her music – and a red dress. Then he got up Florian Silbereisen presenter answer questions in a speech on stage. It wasn’t just an ideal world and pre-Christmas jokes: the conversation suddenly deepened. Corona’s subject moves schlager singer Andrea Berg to tears.

Andrea Berg (Schlager) is in tears with Florian Silbereisen

“Tell me why it is so important to you to sing this song now”, Silbereisen wanted to know from Berg. The song, which he had already written nearly two years ago and previously performed on stage, is like prayer and how “thanks a lot“Been thought of. IS gratitude is an important topic for the musician right now: “During this time you notice that he clicks and you think, ‘yeah, because we’re always complaining about the things we don’t have,'” Berg said.

Because there are many things that are already there that you can simply be grateful for. She enumerates “the dawn, the child, the friends, the faithful companions”. “Every memory we have in our hearts makes us rich,” Berg says and prophesies: “And someday, or sooner or later, we can make the puppets dance again“At which the first tears rolled down her cheeks. Even though she was supposedly determined not to cry, she couldn’t hold back her feelings and she knew why.

Andrea Berg (Schlager) with accusations against Florian Silbereisen – “Every time with you!”

“Now I’m crying again!” Noted the singer and added: “Every time with you, it’s you!“This Reproach Of course, his colleague Silbereisen knew how to classify it correctly. The moderator regretted that he was unable to give Berg a handkerchief due to the applicable crown requirements. Meanwhile, she turned briefly to wipe away her tears. In any case, if you can interpret the applause of the audience in this way, your message seemed to have arrived.

“What we have to carry today is positive energy, is confidence, is hope“, Continues the musician. Finally, he wished the audience a peaceful meeting with loved ones. “Just believe that soon it will be as good as it once was” was his last message, which was again greeted with applause. (jbr)

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