Five unknown signs of life-threatening lung cancer


Lung cancer is a life-threatening condition and its classic symptoms include persistent cough, shortness of breath and fatigue. However, there are five warning signs of a deadly disease that we may not be aware of.

Smoking and secondhand smoke are linked to lung cancer. The signs of the disease may not be easy to spot, especially since there are only a few nerve endings in the affected organ.

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According to the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, a major British charity that has invested millions of dollars in lung cancer research, there are unknown warning signs of the disease, including:

– First: Finger clubbing, in which the fingertips widen and “become more curved,” is strongly associated with lung cancer.

The charity explained that these symptoms often occur in heart and lung diseases that reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood.

– Second: The fingers may not be the only area of ​​the body that swells. Swelling of the face can be caused by ‘superior vena cava obstruction’, which can be caused by lung cancer.

The association explained: “The superior vena cava is a large vein in the chest. It carries blood from the upper half of the body to the heart. A blockage occurs in the superior vena cava when something interrupts blood flow.” This “thing” tends to be lung cancer, which can “put pressure on the vein.”

Either that, or the cancer may have “spread to nearby lymph nodes,” both of which can lead to facial swelling.

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– Third: Back pain or shoulder pain can alert you to a deadly disease.

It’s all too easy to overlook the horrifying fact that lung cancer can cause back or shoulder pain (not chest). However, if lung cancer is suspected, a chest X-ray should be taken to identify any tumors.

– Fourth: Unexplained weight loss of 4 kg or more may be the first sign of cancer.

This means losing weight without increasing exercise or a structured diet or excessive stress levels.

Unexplained weight loss tends to occur with cancers of the lung, pancreas, stomach, and esophagus. Some people with lung cancer may have difficulty chewing or swallowing food. Hence, this can lead to reduced food intake and can contribute to weight loss.

Additionally, a person with lung cancer may experience nausea and the appetite may not be very great.

“Cancer cells also use a disproportionate amount of the body’s energy supply. They often release substances that change the way the body processes food energy,” the association added.

These two factors play a role in the dramatic weight loss.

Fifth: The latest lung cancer warning sign is “recurrent chest infections”. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult a doctor.

Source: Express

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