First turkey ready-to-use turkey vaccine


Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said Turkey’s first domestic vaccine is ready for use according to all international standards.

In a written statement, he said the tetanus and diphtheria vaccine manufacturing process had been completed in Turkey’s domestic manufacturing capacity and that the project to develop the vaccine had begun to bear fruit.

The vaccine was developed by a project launched in 2015 and is an adult vaccine used to combat tetanus and diphtheria.

“Received the necessary approvals”

“Ministry [zdravstva] received the first delivery of the vaccine, which has undergone relevant quality controls and received the necessary approvals, “said the Turkish minister.

Koca pointed out that this is a great success for Turkey at a time when there is a lot of talk about the importance of national capabilities for vaccine production.

He added that Turkey will continue the process of producing a domestic vaccine with new and good news.

Source: agencies

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