First the refrigerator, then the vaccine … The Algerian Minister of Health talks about the most important obstacle to the acquisition of the Pfizer vaccine by his country


First the refrigerator, then the vaccine ... The Algerian Minister of Health talks about the most important obstacle to the acquisition of the Pfizer vaccine by his country


Algiers. A policeman stands in front of a ship preparing to dock in the port carrying Algerians stranded in France due to Corona last March

On Sunday, Algerian Minister of Health and Hospital Reform Abdel Rahman Ben Bouzid said he will do whatever is necessary to acquire vaccines against the Corona epidemic when the World Health Organization reveals the appropriate vaccine.

The minister added regarding the “Pfizer” vaccine, during his inspection visit to the Bani Massous Hospital in the heights of the city of Algiers, to see the progress of care for Corona patients, “There are aspects that we study, we must bring this vaccine in special circumstances, including refrigerators at 70 degrees below zero “which constitute a weight on which the calculations are made, especially since these equipment” can only be opened twice, and must contain (…) special snow made below 70, 9 degrees “.

The minister explained that he would meet “with the health commission and the experts” to discuss “the price, quality and quantity required”. On the other hand, he stressed that “there are other vaccines produced by other countries”, including the Russian “Sputnik V” vaccine, and Algeria had previously made contact in this regard with interested persons in various countries and laboratories.

First, then the vaccine.  The Algerian Minister of Health talks about the most important obstacle to his country's acquisition of the Pfizer vaccineAbdel-Rahman Ben Bouzid Professor of Medicine, Algerian Minister of Health and Hospital Reform. Photo: Algerian media.

Speaking today, Sunday, on the third French-speaking Algerian radio channel, Ben Bouzid reassured Algerians that the health facilities available in the country are sufficient to accommodate Corona patients and there is no need to set up field hospitals.

He explained that his ministry had provided “more than 18,000 beds” for Corona patients, as well as “1,500 intensive care beds”. Therefore, according to the minister’s data, Algeria is currently treating 7,800 people infected by the epidemic through the country’s health facilities, and they do not represent more than 42 percent of the total reception capacity to treat those infected with the virus. Meanwhile, 61% of resuscitation beds are still waiting for patients whose serious injuries require treatment in the interest of resuscitation and intensive treatment.

Read more

Algeria: 1019 cases and 19 new deaths in Corona

Source: Algerian media

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