Find out why Jomari Goyso came out to defend Karlo G’s dress at the Latin Grammy


Find out why Jomari Goyso came out to defend Karlo G's dress at the Latin Grammy

Carlo G.

Photo: Sujeylee Solá PR / Courtesy

“Karlo G didn’t want to be on the best or worst clothes list! … He wanted to use that moment to send a message. It’s called “fashion with a message” “. This is part of the reaction of Jomari Goyso against those who criticized the dress worn in the past by the singer “Tusa” Latin Grammy.

What if it looked like a piñata, or a quinceañera, which wasn’t a dress but a carnival costume. And if she was fat, pregnant … Karlo G received a lot of criticism, much of it destructive, for the pink dress she wore to the Latin Grammy Awards.

Jomari Goyso, who is usually one of those who do not forgive when it comes to an award dress, in this case came out to defend it and with a more than powerful reason: the fashionista certain that in the case of the singer of ‘Tusa “Yes it was about “fashion with a message”.

“I’d like you to read it before commenting; Normally, if you’re an artist, the way to steal your night out on a carpet is generally to reappear leaner, younger, with more hair! More lashes and it looks almost real! This is what artists usually do to get all the attention !!! When they do, the fans, the women go crazy and start with the “yes we can” “women power” The comments are always positive and the titles the same !!!! … THE DIFFICULT, is doing something you know will be criticized and used as an object of mockery, but you know that the message will help many women !!! This is the hard part !!

… OBVIOUS #karolg didn’t want to be on the list of best or worst clothes !!! He wanted to use that moment to send a message !!! That is called “fashion with a message” STRONG AND DIRECT MESSAGE !!!! She said that when she was little, when she saw the carpets, she dreamed of going there one day and feeling like a princess and dressing like a princess !! He said the matter if it is not not a trend or if it is not the right thing to do so that his body seems in one way or another, if you want to dream do not let anyone tell you how to do it and how to live it “I think fashion needs more moments like this !! Because fashion is not the enemy of women! Fashion is a tool to make all women feel good! 🙏 happy Friday !!! I love you @karolg #latingrammy “Jomari wrote accompanied by the photo of the singer with the controversial dress.

In this way Goyso made his support very clear and that it is consistent with the message he always tries to give. Beyond the criticism of fashion, or it may be strong and often controversial, always we look to defend women and strongly angry with bullying and the risks involved in being a victim.



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