Find out how to easily create channels within the server


For those looking for digital platforms for conversation, there are many interesting solutions out there. We have Facebook Messenger, Hangouts, Skype, WhatsApp, etc. Etc. We have recently introduced the platform Discord that caters to teams. You can create classes, software development teams, COVID-19 action teams, etc.

After showing you how to create a server and invite friends today, let’s see how to create channels.

Discord: Learn how to create channels within the server

It is one of the current IRC-style platforms, but with many innovative features. It's called Discord and is usually a platform associated with players for conversation. However, this platform allows for easy communication with friends and with the most diverse communities.

With Discord we can create a class, a group of players, a world art community or just gather friends for conversation.

Find out how to create channels within Discord

Once we have created a server within Discord, which functions as if it were our community, we can create channels within it. After our last tutorial, Discord has created text channels and voice channels that can be used immediately.

However, users can also create their own communication channels.

Discord: Learn how to create channels within the server

To create a communication channel, simply right-click on the area where the other channels are located and choose the option Create channel.

Discord: Learn how to create channels within the server

So just choose which one Channel type it's a first name for the same. We can even at that time define if the channel is public or privateor within the community. Finally just press Create channel.

Discord: Learn how to create channels within the server

After creating the channel, you can define who the channel administrators are and also a set of permissions. This part will be analyzed in a future article.

And this part is over! With the above steps you are able to create a channel within the server. In an upcoming tutorial, as mentioned, we will analyze how to set permissions for various users and channel locations.

Discord is available for the most diverse systems and therefore versatility is also one of the strengths.

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