Finale “The Masked Singer”: the skeleton shows the big problem of the show


The skeleton in “The Masked Singer”: Beautiful voice … what else? Picture: dpa / Rolf Vennenbernd


“The Masked Singer”: The skeleton reveals the show’s big problem

Tuesday night was that moment again: the grand finale of “The Masked Singer” took place. The skeleton has emerged as a favorite from the start. The candidate, who ultimately turned out to be Sarah Lombardi, won all the duels and never had to tremble with advancement. The jury of Sonja Zietlow and Bülent Ceylan were equally enthusiastic. In terms of entry, this mask was unbeatable in season three and the win wasn’t a big surprise.

The skeleton also made visible one of the main weaknesses of the format: Good singers or even professionals are important to “The Masked Singer”, but too often these participants rely only on their voice. The show, which is NOT explicitly called a vocal show, actually speaks more.

The skeleton of the “masked singer”: immaculate boredom

Since the stars are well wrapped in a costume, “The Masked Singer” is an ideal opportunity to show the audience unimaginable sides of themselves. This obviously requires some courage, which in turn not everyone has. An important indicator is the selection of songs.

The skeleton on stage “Masked Singer”. Image: ProSieben / Willi Weber

The skeleton was very into rock songs and rock ballads, other than that, not much happened. So he always stayed in his comfort zone and minimized the risk. Since former “DSDS” candidate Sarah Lombardi has a lot of singing experience, she was already easier on the show than the competition from other industries. So what exactly is the performance that justifies your victory?

In other words: the really good singers on “The Masked Singer” should give their best and try something they haven’t necessarily tried before. Otherwise it’s just a show with no challenges and fans could easily watch any casting program.

Every aspect of the skeleton was painted by numbers, even the arm and hand movements were completely predictable. It can’t be that. The opportunity to present yourself in a creepy and surprising way at the Halloween show was also missed.

Not all candidates understand “The Masked Singer”

To be fair, however, it must be said: the skeleton is just another representative of an already known phenomenon of the “masked singer”. Max Mutzke (astronaut) Gregor Meyle (Drache) or Mike Singer (Wuschel) are also experienced musicians, from whom almost nothing came out in terms of stage performance. It was still enough for the final.

Der “Masked Singer” -Wuschel: Gähn! Picture: dpa / Rolf Vennenbernd

At this point it is worth taking a look at the vocal “side entrants”. Most of the time, they are the ones who add that something to “The Masked Singer”, probably because they are creative forced we are. Sonja Zietlow, for example, said after the presentation of her rabbit:

Your obvious solution to the problem: Put on a little show. And it worked. He picked up Rea Garvey’s criticisms of his singing directly during his next performance and responded with a cheeky painting. You generally want moments like these more often in the show, because perfection is often boring.

Tom Beck did even better as a sloth in the second season. He was not only convincing verbally, but also surprised from series to series with new facets. He drove the jury to despair at some points with his repertoire ranging from Elvis imitations to rap parts. And it always sounded great.

“The Masked Singer”: Who deserved the victory more

Such a guy, who can do everything and fearlessly hunts across the stage, was noticeably absent in the just-completed season. As a result, “The Masked Singer” automatically fell back on the type of candidate who had apparently misunderstood the whole concept and was just coming up with a proven program.

The Cuddly Alien “Masked Singer”: Better than the skeleton. Picture: dpa / Rolf Vennenbernd

The alien, the anubis or the hippo were much more fun than the skeleton, either through cute narrative or a varied selection of the songs on offer. The stars behind it have managed to give their mask character in various ways. And that’s exactly what sets “The Masked Singer” apart.

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In 2012, Gottschalk’s successor Markus Lanz took over the moderation. But he never managed to restore the show to its former glory. And Lanz’s predecessor probably never …

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