Dash Core Group, the legal entity for the development of Dash
team, published a major development update yesterday. According to them, Dash
Core v0.13.0 will be started on mainnet on Monday, January 14thth.
The update v.13.0 will focus on providing different consents
improvements to this masternode-based cryptocurrency:
- Automatic InstantSend, which will improve the file
speed of most transactions without additional costs; - A deterministic masternode list to provide a
the only source of truth for clients that validate transactions; - Special transactions to host
non-financial transactions on the blockchain; - A third key masternode to enable delegation of
vote masternode; is - Several improvements to private transactions.
The update of mainnet was initially publicly confirmed as "tested,
finalized and ready for release "in a average
to send dates back to January 4thth. This post has seen Jon Kindel (Head
of Business Developments at Dash) details the things the team has done to prepare
the v0.13.0.
New information emerged a day ago when Elizabeth Robuck
(Chief Product Owner at Dash) confirmed
the launch date of the update. His post also reminded partners, node operators and
interested parties to finalize the preparation for the update and fill in a
community survey. As noted above, it is expected that the activation of 0.13.0 will be activated
January 14ththand will become fully operational once 80% of the
the network confirms that they have updated their software (expected within a week from the update)
What is the best cryptographic exchange: Coinbase or Kraken?
While this update should serve as a basis for Dash
Evolution (a new decentralized payment platform built on Dash's blockchain
technology), suspicions emerged on the decentralization of Dash extraction
Network. The user of Reddit u / Flenst took a deep dive into Dash's "sympathy",
alias its susceptibility to a 51% attack from Nicehash (a market where
Random individuals can buy hash power).
Research conducted by this user showed that 70% of the DASH hash rate was controlled by the Nicehash miners, an alarming number higher than what this market usually has compared to other PoW coins (10-20%). He also found that over two-thirds of that 70% belonged to unknown mining tanks. Digging further found that three mining addresses, controlled by a single entity, collected over 53% of DASH extraction prizes. You can follow the entire dispute over the DASH hash rate here.
Dash faced with harsh criticism
Dash is the altcoin who has the merit of starting the mania for the masternodes. At the time the currency was traded for less than a dollar, the Proof of Work coin introduced a masternode system that required the 1,000 Dash bet.
The scheme has been a huge success, both as a means to govern the network, and as a source of income for people managing a node, which have been rewarded in a fragrant way since the cryptography market developed in 2017. At its peak, it would have cost $ 1.5 million to buy enough Dash to set up a masternode. The success of the scheme, which made the first users of the Dash masternode system very rich, was soon copied by countless other coins.
Take a look at the best DASH token wallets.
The concept of Masternode is certainly one of the main propellers that has pushed Dash into the cryptic mainstream, but while the bear market continues, more and more "informants" inside the altcoin communities come out and bring all the skeletons of the project out of the # 39; closet.
Reddit user u / tellmesay has shared a post describing the negative aspects that the encrypted DASH payment solution has faced in the previous year. The post was originally published on a subreddit r / Dashpay compatible with Dash, but was removed from there for unclear reasons.
Overall, the post titled "Dash In 2018: Disappointments, Boondoggles, Scandals, Disasters, & Catastrophes" spared no punches as it revealed every single negative thing about the project experimented in 2018. These points are not listed on Coinbase due to " Dash's notorious "Instamine, centralized development and obscure status of Howey Test / SEC Action", as well as not being included in the OpenBazaar project (while Monero and many others were), for not receiving support from Wirex or any other provider of debit cards stand out among the promises that Dash failed to provide.More below, the post mentions the fiasco of Dash's FanDuel, the CoPay fiasco, the KuvaCash fiasco, the wreck-in-course of Alt36 and the fact that they organized a crypto meetup in a Miami striptease municipality.
A special place in this analysis is given to their relations with Venezuela, in which Dash has attempted to implement an aggressive strategy of selling cheap Krypt mobile phones supplied with DASH currency and software needed to use that currency. News and promotions have come up suggesting that the adoption of DASH in Venezuela is growing; however, this has been crushed by several sources, culminating in KFC Venezuela (which Dash has touted as an infallible trader to start using their cryptocurrency) by denying the news and complaining about Dash's superiors for spreading false news.
The post mentioned goes much more in detail, exposing the further failure of Dash to keep promises and even to remind us of some important security issues with currency that have never been properly addressed. You can check the full post here.
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