FC Barcelona: Messi explodes – “Tired of always being the problem of everything”


M-Power quote

Ah yes, the old camels are back. It was denied that Messi had a problem with Griezmann weeks ago, but obviously he had to be reprimanded. The fact that Griezmann flopped in Barcelona is not due to Messi and it was clear to anyone who only partially understood football. The strength / weakness profile has never adapted to Barcelona’s ten-year tactical orientation.

Just as Messi is said to be to blame Barca for having money problems. Buy back his salary with merchandise, where he should even be the industry leader. You can understand why Bartomeu, despite his salary, was not ready to let him go.

It’s just the easiest way to blame Messi after his reputation suffered over the summer.

Barcelona achieved a turnover of 368 million in the merchandising sector in the last financial year. But turnover does not mean profit, as many believe here. Barcelona had a total turnover of 990 million but only a mini profit of 4.5 million Before evaluating the merchandising sales, you need to see what profit is left and then relate it to Messi’s salary and bonuses. If it still pays, then you have to evaluate and come to the question: are the rest of the players and the company nothing that contributes to this turnover?

The expenses for Messi can only be calculated in the overall package and there it is by far the largest entry in the personnel costs area.

That Bartomeu stopped Messi from leaving to save the merchandising sales is your opinion. If Messi had left, Bartomeu would have lost his post immediately. At the time, however, he did not want it and was considering a new election.

How well Bartomeu can calculate can be seen in the current financial situation in Barcelona.

What many overlooked in the article – the article wasn’t just about questions about Griezman. Most of all, the “God”, criminal tax evader and mailbox company manager, Messi, was probably annoyed that he was being checked by customs as a “normal” person.


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