“Fake” or “homicidal” vaccine … The anti-vaccine harness is gaining momentum


For Hervé *, there is no debate: the future vaccine against Covid-19 “,in no way we come [lui] inject“.

Taxi driver in the Bastia region and father of a family, he is convinced “.accepting to be bitten increases the risk of developing more severe forms of other diseasesHervé * is not alone in supporting this point of view. In Corsica, as everywhere in France, an anti-vaccine band against Covid-19 is being organized.

According to the World Health Organization, 48 vaccines are currently in clinical trials.

Among the leading laboratories, two are American: the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech, whose formula would be “90% efficiency“; and the Moderna laboratory, which should communicate its interim results in the coming days.

France, the country most hostile to a Covid vaccine

Vaccines that could be marketed next spring. And who should, the doctors hope, “change the deal“, while the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread around the world, with over 1.3 million deaths to deplore.

Only here it is: to believe an Ipsos survey of November 5, only 54% of French people would be inclined to get vaccinated. This is the lowest rate observed in all 15 countries studied: in India, 87% of inhabitants expect to be vaccinated. They are 76% in Canada and 64% in the United States.

Furthermore, this total of French ready to be vaccinated is decreasing: in August of that same year, 59% were inclined to be vaccinated.

A decline also felt in other countries (85% in China in November against 97% in August; 64% of Spaniards in November against 72% in August) and which is of concern within the medical profession.

Ensuring group immunity

You need to get vaccinated. It is obvious to us“, insists Dr. André de Caffarelli, crisis medical director of the Bastia hospital”.Those who campaign against vaccination are indirectly involved in the spread of the virus“, He adds.

Beyond personal protection, it is almost a citizen gesture“, adds Pauline, an intern affected on the continent. Vaccinating a large part of the population would thus guarantee”group immunity“.

This medical notion represents the point at which a sufficient percentage of individuals in a population are immune to a disease. Vaccinated people therefore act as a “barrier” against the disease, preventing its transmission.

The threshold varies according to the contagiousness of the pathologies: it is estimated around 50% for the flu, against 90-95% for measles. For Covid-19, it would be around 70%.

Those who campaign against vaccination are indirectly involved in the spread of the virus.

André de Caffarelli, crisis director at Bastia hospital

It should be borne in mind that not everyone can be vaccinated: by this we mean people who have proven contraindications, such as an immunodeficiency. [résultant d’un traitement immunosuppresseur par exemple, ndlr], some chronic diseases or a known allergy to one of the vaccine components. “

Vaccination is also not indicated when a person has febrile symptoms. “Apart from that, and except in special cases, there is no reason not to be vaccinated“hits the medical intern.

False explanations, according to Hervé, a taxi driver in the Bastia region. “I am diabetic. Vaccines, whatever they are, I don’t. I don’t want to risk shooting my health. “

All the more, he assures, that his friends vaccinated for the flu last year “they were immediately very sick, with high fever and company. And is that what we call protection?

There are more and more anti-vaccine messages on social networks.

There are more and more anti-vaccine messages on social networks.

© DR

The possible side effects involved

These are side effects“, temper Laura, a nurse in Ajaccio. A vaccine, she says, aims to stimulate the immune system by teaching it to recognize a virus, so that once confronted with it, it can destroy it.

Classically we find mainly vaccines that inject a small particle of the target virus, such as Covid here, in an attenuated or even inactive version.“.

If the risk of serious side effects is noted, the vaccine does not pass the course of clinical trials and does not reach the general public.

Laura, nurse in Ajaccio

However, there are other vaccine technologies: among these, the viral vector vaccine, the viral protein vaccine or the RNA vaccine. It is on this last track that Pfizer and Moderna laboratories are currently working.

However, the patient may experience side effects after vaccination, which are relatively mild and transient. Vaccine regulations are being watched closely these days. If the risk of serious side effects is noted, the vaccine does not pass the course of clinical trials and does not reach the general public.

An increasingly numerous anti-vaccine sling

For some, their hostility towards a possible Covid-19 vaccine is not of medical origin. This is the case of Jérémy, resident in Corse-du-Sud.

Computer scientist and forty, he refused to give us more information about himself, for fear that these indications “not reported to the government“.

Jérémy is convinced: the future vaccine against Covid-19 would be just a vast scam aimed at “Send“populations”.This disease simply does not exist. It’s an invention, that’s all. Containment, we put it in place so that people see nothing but fire.

The vaccine, he assures, would actually be a “high concentrated“a deadly disease created in the laboratory. Objective:”to carry out a real genocide in the world population. Since we no longer have enough food for everyone, we prefer to kill among the poor rather than tax among the richest.“.

This disease simply does not exist. It’s an invention, that’s all.

Jérémy, anti-vaccine

An apocalyptic speech that has made followers: on social networks there are thousands who report more or less the same words, generally anonymously, and in particular from the release of the conspiratorial documentary “To sustain”, on November 11th.

Secret discussion groups have also been created, assures Jérémy. “We are receiving more and more entry requests, people who have finally understood the many lies of the state. ”

On social media, anti-vaccines are increasingly numerous.

On social networks, anti-vaccines are more and more numerous.

© DR

Finally, there are regular in-person group meetings, launches the 40-year-old. And this, despite the general reconfirmation in place since 30 October.

These people, there’s nothing left to do to convince them, regrets Laura, an Ajaccian nurse. The problem is that they charge others who are more vulnerable, such as the elderly or the immunocompromised, for their rejection.

The nurse now hopes that in the coming months, waiting for an effective vaccine, “the wind will turn in the right directionIt remains to be bet that the debate on vaccination, against Covid-19 as against any other pathology, is not ready to end.

* the name has been changed

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