Experts have warned that it triggers the risk of premature death. It’s in everyone’s fridge. The damage is proven once again


The study in France showed that women who drink a glass of soda, fruit juice and sports drink twice a day, who are at everyone’s home and often consumed with artificial sweeteners, have a 63% higher risk of death. premature. Men who drank more than two drinks were shown to have a 29% higher risk of premature death.

According to the news reported by CNN, revealed that artificially sweetened drinks are as harmful to the heart as real sweetened drinks. Eloi Chazelas, a student of the food epidemiology team of the Sorbonne University of North Paris in France, “Our study showed that artificially sweetened drinks are not a ‘healthy alternative’ to sweetened drinks.” She said.

Dr. Pointing out that artificial sweetener has a lot of harm, especially in women, Freedman, “Many people think that instead of sugary drinks, those with sweeteners will be healthier. However, research in recent years has shown that artificial sweeteners can cause a lot of harm, especially in women. he used expressions.

While the study in question was conducted on 100,000 French volunteers, it was claimed that there was no cause-and-effect relationship, but there was a link between them, following the study investigating the link between heart disease and sugary drinks.

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