Expelotero is suing the owners of the Gigantes stadium for suffering a shock


Mac Williamson crashed into the mounds at Oracle Park while fielding a dirty ball in April 2018. Following his injury, he was forced to retire in 2019.


Former San Francisco Giants outfielder Jonathan Williamson is suing Oracle Park owners after suffering a concussion while fielding a ball into foul territory in April 2018.

Williamson, 30, awkwardly landed on bullpen mounds beyond the left court foul line and then crashed into the wall.

Williamson’s lawsuit claims that the mounds should never have been placed there. The Giants moved the bullpens behind the outer wall ahead of the 2020 season.

“My injuries could have been prevented were it not for the park not relocating the bullpens to where they belonged,” Williamson said in a taped statement.

“Trying to fight concussion over the past two and a half years has been difficult, both personally and professionally,” he said.

Williamson, who says he feels nauseous and dizzy and has poor eyesight, last played in a major league game in 2019.

“I wonder if tomorrow will be better. If I resume my life tomorrow. Unfortunately that day has not yet come, and my life in baseball has really come to an end,” he lamented.

Williamson is suing China Basin Ballpark Company LLC, which owns and operates the stadium.

“His injury should never have happened”

“Since the collision, Williamson has overcome the daily obstacles that accompany the long-term effects of concussions,” Williamson’s attorney Randy Erlewine said in a statement.

He added that “he also supported the relocation of the bullpens to protect other players. His injury should never have happened, and we believe that CBBC’s decision to use the bullpens on the field, and its failure to move them afterwards, has put his career and that of other players “.

Williamson was selected by the Giants in the third round in 2012, making his Major League debut in 2015.

He hit .235 in 28 at-bats in 2017, but only .187 for the rest of the 2018 season after suffering the concussion.

“Everyone’s career ends at some point, but taking it off because the mounds have been unnecessarily placed on the field, it’s very difficult to make it,” the former player said.


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