EXCLUSIVE Catinca Roman, unprecedented attack on Dan Bittman. “On stage with Andreea Esca, I feel like throwing up!”


They were once good friends, now they avoid each other! Catinca Roman dusted off her friend, Dan Bittman, after the soloist made a series of serious allegations, including against Andreea Esca, who she believes would have staged her illness. The designer expressed her “di” in the interview released exclusively to Playtech.

Catinca Roman, about Dan Bittman: “The man lost his finances from the PSD. For them he sang in the election campaign! “

The soloist of the band “Holograf”, Dan Bittman, recently shocked the whole of Romania with his mind-boggling statements about the Covid-19 pandemic. He was initially sentenced to death by COVID-19 and urged people to take to the streets to protest the restrictions taken by the authorities. Then, the artist, whose isolation was not accepted at all, brought a series of serious accusations against some colleagues of the show. The victim was even Andreea Esca, star of PRO TV, on whom she said she lied and staged her illness: “And if I think Andreea Esca staged her illness? I think so! I don’t think there’s anything real there. That’s my opinion! “He said, on Mădălin Ionescu’s online show.

Outraged, fashion designer Catinca Roman did not hesitate to take a stand in this scandal of proportions and ran into Bittman’s nose, although they were good friends:

“For me, Bittman is a bad surprise, I can even tell a bad joke! I can’t believe what he does and especially what he says! You can’t make such statements about Andreea Esca. I find disgusting what this man does for money. I understand, he is used to a lot of money, even a lot and now he desperately needs to become poor. Not to mention, now the man has lost his finances from the PSD, because he sang for them in the election campaign. got the big money. I’m outraged at what he’s doing and I’ll tell him in front of me when I see him! ”said Catinca, exclusively for impact.ro.

“At the beginning of the pandemic I was exaggerated, I disinfected purchases with alcohol, fruit, even from shops”

The designer does not share Bittman’s views on the coronavirus, on the contrary, she tries to protect herself during the pandemic, to get rid of the killer virus. She is ready to be vaccinated with her daughter, Calina:

“I don’t take this virus thing lightly. I’ve had cases among my friends too. In isolation, for me, it wasn’t a problem, I feel good being alone, I’m more at home, I read a lot. exaggerated, I disinfected all purchases with alcohol, fruit, even from the shops. I wore the mask from the beginning. I care about wearing the mask, I don’t think it’s bad luck. Since I’ve been to Paris, Asians wear masks in the cold season to protect them from viruses, and that was a few years ago. So I don’t know why we pack so much with this mask. I prepare the vaccine. And me and my daughter, Calina. I gave them all the vaccines. They say we are guinea pigs. , yes and no. Many people have worked for a vaccine, the technology is advanced, I believe that in ordinary people the vaccine will not have serious side effects “, said the stylist for Playtech.ro.

Dan Bittman: “God forbid I’m dying of COVID! I really don’t want to live in conditions like these anymore, because they are degrading and dehumanizing. “

As is well known, Dan Bittman, the soloist of the band “Holograf”, has sparked a huge scandal in the online environment, after vehemently defying restrictions and stating that the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic is not at all as it is. submitted by the authorities. :

“If the mask protects us so much, why don’t you let people come to the theater with masks or concerts, to sit next to each other, because it’s not a problem. People are in the subway, so far there have been dozens of thousands of dead. If we look at the statistics, they had to be aoleu and vâleu, they had no where to put them. How come we no longer have places in ATI. My mouth is dirty and I dare to say it and that’s what I will do until I close the eyes, of COVID. God forbid that I die of COVID. I really don’t want to live in conditions like these anymore, because they are degrading and dehumanizing. I express my opinion and I will say it out loud. It is not possible, it is too much “, were the controversial statements by Bittman at the time for “Thought”.

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