According to Simon Morris, former chief strategy officer of BitTorrent, Tron will not be able to handle the volume of transactions needed to tokenise BitTorrent. The news site Blockchain BreakerMag published his interview with Morris on January 11th.
According to the interview, Morris noted that when he worked at BitTorrent, he and his team found that bringing a token and automated auctions to prioritize the download queues could increase network speed by up to 40%.
However, Morris said that there is "no way" in which Tron's blockchain can handle the volume of transactions that such a system would require. According to him, his team needed hundreds of transactions per second just to get started. He added:
"Listen to all the bulls ** t out there, oh, yes 10,000 transactions per second. It's all shit. We would have dissolved TRON. To literally destroy it. "
Furthermore, BreakerMag reports that, according to Morris, there is little reason to believe the other statements about the BitTorrent token based on Tron, BTT. As Tris, Morris would have said:
"It's basically a layered marketing machine on a very thin film of technology."
Explaining his point of view, he told the journalist that Justin Sun is very good at marketing but that "he does not have a technical bone in his body". Furthermore, he added:
"But the approach that bothered me was, the kind of Trumpian approach – if you get caught in a lie, the answer is to double the lie. [It was] the infinite doubling of lies that made me think that it would not be an adaptation ".
Morris left BitTorrent in July of last year, after concluding that he would not be able to develop any trust in relationships with Tron executives. BreakerMag reports that when Morris dealt with Sun about Tron's allegedly plagiarized code and white paper, Sun replied:
"We came to the consensus that this did not happen and we went ahead."
Morris reportedly suspects Tron will handle BitTorrent transactions on a central server and, as he claims, will pretend to be based on Tron. According to BreakerMag, Morris expects BitTorrent's efficiency to increase as expected, but does not expect this system to be based on Tron. However, according to reports, this centralization could make this system less reliable.
A spokesman for Tron told Cointelegraph in some private comments that "Morris seems to have little information on BitTorrent's operational plans since his departure," adding:
"The actions and the execution will be stronger than the words of a disgruntled former employee".
As Cointelegraph recently reported, BitTorrent has launched a native token, BitTorrent (BTT), based on the TRON protocol.
The news recently broke the fact that Tron has hired a former US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) supervisor as the first chief compliance officer.
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