Europe raises the resolution to have access to encrypted messages


November 9, 2020

This encryption system, used by apps like WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram’s secret chats, encrypts each message with a key that only the sender and recipient know. They are messages that do not remain on the servers of the platforms, so they are not accessible to anyone, not even the police. And this is precisely what worries the European Union, which wants to have access to encrypted messages.

Europe adopts resolution to have access to encrypted messages
Europe adopts resolution to have access to encrypted messages

As revealed by the Austrian media Radio FM4, the Council of Ministers of the European Union has a draft relating to encrypted messaging systems. Entitled “Security through encryption and security despite encryption”, the leaked draft details the European Union’s position on encrypted messaging applications. Elimination of cryptography in Europe is never mentioned, but interest in reforming legal frameworks across the continent is exposed so that authorities have access to messages.

The “Draft Council Resolution on Cryptography” highlights concerns about unauthorized uses of E2E technology. In the leaked draft it is never explained in detail that the ban on the end-to-end encryption system is under consideration (council resolutions have no legal effect), but it opens the door for authorities to have a way to access to conversations.

Keep reading: Europe and end-to-end encryption: the EU increases the resolution to access messages

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