The entire community of Ethereum was operational and operational with the announcement of the postponement of the fork of Constantinople. During the recent Ethereum core dev meeting, the team discussed the problem encountered in the update and reached consensus on the next program for the fixed fork.
The meeting began with an update on the difficulty bomb, in which Lane Rettig, a principal developer, spoke briefly about the topic. Rettig stated that the difficulty bomb has already "it started popping up. "" So I guess if you look at blocking times, we've had a visible tick up to the current difficulty level, " the developer added.
"The second point on which we just have to keep reiterating this is that while it took, six months or whatever to happen in 2017, this time it will happen faster because we are in a much higher network in general much higher hash power than we were the last time so we still have a few months but it's ticking "
Following this, the team talked about the problem encountered in one of the EIPs, which led to a delay of the whole fork. The vulnerability was detected in the light by ChainSecurity, an intelligent accounting firm. The company revealed that EIP 1283: measuring net gas for SSTORE without dirty maps, would open the doors for a re-entry attack after the hard junction. Shortly after this news, the Geth and Parity teams released an emergency version, to restore the hard fork, for all the node operators, the exchanges and the miners.
Now, the team has decided that the hard fork will take place around February 27, 2019, on block no. 7280000. Furthermore, the team has reached an agreement that EIP 1283 will not be implemented in the next hard fork. Afri Schoedon, Ethereum's hardfork coordinator and Parity Technologies Release Manager, said on Twitter:
"#Estereum call all-core-devs: Constantinople will be activated in about six weeks on mainnet without EIP-1283. Testnets will be subjected to hard forks to remove EIP-1283. Exact date and block number to be announced soon. EIP-1283 patches may be included in a subsequent network update, but this needs further discussion and testing. "
Peter Szilagyi, head of the Ethereum team, said:
"Looks like we're going with the 7.28M block for the
#Ethereum Constantinople reconstruction scheduled for February 27th! It will be a single fork on the mainnet and a fork of post-Constantinople-fixup on the testnets to put them back online with the main network. "
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