Ethereum’s “Berlin” hard fork remains a few months away at best, according to the bi-weekly All Core Developers call held on Friday. A soft January goal is now in the works, following the planned launch of the Ethereum 2.0 beacon chain in December.
Berlin is a hard fork of the current Eth 1.x proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain. The system-wide update – which includes low-level changes to improve the original main chain while Eth 2.0 is under construction – was originally scheduled for July, but has been postponed this summer due to customer employee and employee burnout. a perceived need for greater customer diversity.
Since then, the process for including Ethereum Enhancement Proposals (EIPs) and which ones will end up in the hard fork has changed.
Berlin was supposed to have three EIPs as of June:
However, EIP-2537 will no longer be included in Berlin. That EIP would make it easier for the Eth 2.0 blockchain and the Eth 1.x blockchain to talk to each other using a similar cryptographic setup.
The other two EIPs will be included in a short-lived testnet called “YOLO v3“Scheduled for release in the coming weeks.
Watch a recording of the call below:
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